I recently read a book called "Walking barefoot on barbwire" by Cindy Morgan.
It was so good....it is a story type journal of her experience with fear. It wasnt a self help book, but just real stories of her life....Stories that I could relate to.
My eyeopener was that even little things like "what if...we dont have enough money for rent" is a fear. Then at church the other day our pastor was talking about what holds us back from going through the promise land.... and he used "What if" can block us... And if WHAT IF is fear then fear is what blocks us, holds us back, etc.
Why do we live with so much fear....because we do not TRUST, and because we do not trust we cant let go of what we think is control. Honestly...we can't and we don't control anything!! Only God can control us and our lives. DO you trust God, do you believe that he truly takes care of us and the people we love....
Right now I am having to trust God. Our finances are not good right now.....myself, my fear is freaking out...what are we going to do.... I am not doing a very good job trusting...I am trying my hardest to not lose it all together...but what good will that do....it doesn't solve the problem...yet as I am writing this I know that I am so not trusting God....I am just What if ing....
I know that God has a plan and a purpose for us and for you. I know that everything always works together for good... so why am I worried, do I truly believe it.
I do believe it, I CHOOSE to trust in my God, who has ALWAYS taken care of me...sometimes I have had to go through tough times to work on my character...but it is worth it... I also take all my thoughts and give them to God.... What am I thinking...I am postitive, am I dwelling on the negative, the bad, or am I dwelling what is good, like His Peace, joy, Patience, Am I looking through my eyes or am I choosing to come up higher and see the bigger picture.
For example if there is a parade coming and you are standing waiting for the parade to go by, you can only see what is before you, however if you go up higher to the top of the building and look down you can then see what is before you and what is coming!
Are you standing on the bottom only seeing what is before you (looking at the circumstances) or are you up higher (seeing what God sees)
So Father God.. I do trust you...I know that you have a plan, and I wait patiently for you reveal your plan to us. Lord I give up control...it's not even mine to take. Father God I love you , I trust you. Thank you for giving us hope....
Father thank you for seeing the bigger picture....I choose to fully trust you without fear. Knowing you take care of us!
Be blessed!
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Is your cup full?
This is the question of the week.....is your cup full, overflowing, or empty? I have realized the if my cup isn't full then I have nothing to give, things, even the simplest things are a chore, I feel exhausted, I don't care....but when my cup is full....I have passion, vision, excitement, and energy to face the day.
How do you fill up an empty cup?
The first question should probl'y be ....why is it empty, what has caused you to feel empty?
Do you ever stop?
Do you take time to breathe?
Are you so busy, you are exhausted?
Do you work, work, work?
Do you stop and smell the flowers? Enjoy the view?
Are you thankful?
Are you so stressed out that even the slightest thing can push you over the edge?
Do you snap at your spouse, your children for no reason?
If this sounds like you I would think that you are an empty cup.
BUT there is hope........
God wants us to be a full cup ...overflowing cup....
How do you do that....
I think that it is very important to take time to stop and breathe,
I painted a picture once of an bird/ eagle and as I painted it I saw myself flying above the clouds, above the mountains, above the the busyness and it was so quiet as I soared through the air, not worried about anything but just breathing, soaking in the calm refreshing wind...
Anyhow I think that one way to begin to fill up our cup is
.... taking time for yourself, stop being so busy and do something just for you. Your favorite thing, something that makes you come alive!
.... getting special friend time....spending time with your friends that encourage you, build you up, support you, the ones that listen and love you for you.
.... go somewhere where people can pour into you....last weekend we went to a leaders conference and especially those who are in ministry we give , give , give yet when do we receive from others?
.... go on a holiday
.... spend time talking to God,more importantly spend time listening to God, soak
.... dont allow your mind to dictate you...to make you feel bad if you aren't doing something, guilt trip you etc
.... remember it is okay to say "NO"
Psalm 46:10
Be still and know that I am God
The Message bible says...
10 Attention, all! See the marvels of God!
He plants flowers and trees all over the earth,...
"Step out of the traffic! Take a long,
loving look at me, your High God,
above politics, above everything."
Take the time to smell the flowers, take the time in the busyness to stop and be thankful for what you have, for who you are, for what you are doing....etc
Stop and let God fill you up with his Spirt.....he is the refreshing river of life,so take a drink, he is the breeze that restores your mind, strength, and soul..... so let the refreshing wind flow through you.
Be still, rest, relax, soak, and KNOW THAT HE IS GOD.......he loves you and it is not His plan for you to be empty...He desires you to be full and over flowing...
We can not live life especially such busy lives...we all have different responsiblities and roles .....and we can not do all that we need to do with out good friends and most importantly with out God..
God gives us the strength each minute of the day to do the things we need to do, he gives us wisdom to know when to say no, or say help....
Only through Him can we be overfull.... And in our weakness He is stong....
Lets call out to Him, soak in Him, be thankful, and be still!
Be blessed
How do you fill up an empty cup?
The first question should probl'y be ....why is it empty, what has caused you to feel empty?
Do you ever stop?
Do you take time to breathe?
Are you so busy, you are exhausted?
Do you work, work, work?
Do you stop and smell the flowers? Enjoy the view?
Are you thankful?
Are you so stressed out that even the slightest thing can push you over the edge?
Do you snap at your spouse, your children for no reason?
If this sounds like you I would think that you are an empty cup.
BUT there is hope........
God wants us to be a full cup ...overflowing cup....
How do you do that....
I think that it is very important to take time to stop and breathe,
I painted a picture once of an bird/ eagle and as I painted it I saw myself flying above the clouds, above the mountains, above the the busyness and it was so quiet as I soared through the air, not worried about anything but just breathing, soaking in the calm refreshing wind...
Anyhow I think that one way to begin to fill up our cup is
.... taking time for yourself, stop being so busy and do something just for you. Your favorite thing, something that makes you come alive!
.... getting special friend time....spending time with your friends that encourage you, build you up, support you, the ones that listen and love you for you.
.... go somewhere where people can pour into you....last weekend we went to a leaders conference and especially those who are in ministry we give , give , give yet when do we receive from others?
.... go on a holiday
.... spend time talking to God,more importantly spend time listening to God, soak
.... dont allow your mind to dictate you...to make you feel bad if you aren't doing something, guilt trip you etc
.... remember it is okay to say "NO"
Psalm 46:10
Be still and know that I am God
The Message bible says...
10 Attention, all! See the marvels of God!
He plants flowers and trees all over the earth,...
"Step out of the traffic! Take a long,
loving look at me, your High God,
above politics, above everything."
Take the time to smell the flowers, take the time in the busyness to stop and be thankful for what you have, for who you are, for what you are doing....etc
Stop and let God fill you up with his Spirt.....he is the refreshing river of life,so take a drink, he is the breeze that restores your mind, strength, and soul..... so let the refreshing wind flow through you.
Be still, rest, relax, soak, and KNOW THAT HE IS GOD.......he loves you and it is not His plan for you to be empty...He desires you to be full and over flowing...
We can not live life especially such busy lives...we all have different responsiblities and roles .....and we can not do all that we need to do with out good friends and most importantly with out God..
God gives us the strength each minute of the day to do the things we need to do, he gives us wisdom to know when to say no, or say help....
Only through Him can we be overfull.... And in our weakness He is stong....
Lets call out to Him, soak in Him, be thankful, and be still!
Be blessed
Sunday, October 14, 2007
thoughts for today
So I have been thinking alot about commitment. I know I am commited to Trevor and my family......they are amazing and I am so blessed.....but what am I committed to? I go to church, there is the kids school, there is friends, youth, .....alot of commitments. But what am I committed to?
Whenever issues come up do I stick around and solve thm or do I run away? Make up an excuse as to why I can not follow through with my commitment.
Well I am saying this now....I am committed to my church, friends, youth etc......
What is commitment?
1. the act of committing.
2. the state of being committed.
3. the act of committing, pledging, or engaging oneself.
4. a pledge or promise; obligation: We have made a commitment to pay our bills on time.
5. engagement; involvement: They have a sincere commitment to religion.
I am committed!
So this kinda goes along with letting my yes be yes!!
The other thing I have been thinking about is when I do something or not do something...I have been thinking..."What would Jesus do?" It really puts things in to perspective.....like for instance...I was in the grocery store the other day and I saw some one I knew and I didnt want to be seen becasue then I would have to talk to them...so I tried to hide and skirted around them quickly.......but you know.....would Jesus have done that? What if I missed an opportunity to be a blessing?
It really is a deep thought...especially when you know you made the wrong descision or wrong action.
Another thought....
is .....the words I love you..... three of the most powerful words in the world...... we all long to hear these 3 simple words....we all want to believe in these three amazing words. These words bring peace, love, joy and happiness, but used wrongly the can kill, destroy, ruin a person. Do you know that we girls so long to hear the words I love you...especially from a father..... Fathers How often do you tell your children, your wife...I love you? These words can build confidence like we have never known or experienced!!
These are deep words........think about them.....do you use them for good? I gaurentee that if you are having a hard time with a relatonship with your father, husband,
teenager....start randomly saying I love you...even in the middle if tense fighting......I garauntee that you will see things change with in the broken relationships we all have.
Its a challenge to you......
Be blessed!
Whenever issues come up do I stick around and solve thm or do I run away? Make up an excuse as to why I can not follow through with my commitment.
Well I am saying this now....I am committed to my church, friends, youth etc......
What is commitment?
1. the act of committing.
2. the state of being committed.
3. the act of committing, pledging, or engaging oneself.
4. a pledge or promise; obligation: We have made a commitment to pay our bills on time.
5. engagement; involvement: They have a sincere commitment to religion.
I am committed!
So this kinda goes along with letting my yes be yes!!
The other thing I have been thinking about is when I do something or not do something...I have been thinking..."What would Jesus do?" It really puts things in to perspective.....like for instance...I was in the grocery store the other day and I saw some one I knew and I didnt want to be seen becasue then I would have to talk to them...so I tried to hide and skirted around them quickly.......but you know.....would Jesus have done that? What if I missed an opportunity to be a blessing?
It really is a deep thought...especially when you know you made the wrong descision or wrong action.
Another thought....
is .....the words I love you..... three of the most powerful words in the world...... we all long to hear these 3 simple words....we all want to believe in these three amazing words. These words bring peace, love, joy and happiness, but used wrongly the can kill, destroy, ruin a person. Do you know that we girls so long to hear the words I love you...especially from a father..... Fathers How often do you tell your children, your wife...I love you? These words can build confidence like we have never known or experienced!!
These are deep words........think about them.....do you use them for good? I gaurentee that if you are having a hard time with a relatonship with your father, husband,
teenager....start randomly saying I love you...even in the middle if tense fighting......I garauntee that you will see things change with in the broken relationships we all have.
Its a challenge to you......
Be blessed!
Monday, September 3, 2007
character adjustments
Well...I have moved, we give the keys away to the old house this week....life is in a new season....
I feel like the last 3 months have been a whirlwind of stress, emotions, havoc, very unsettling... I feel like we have made good descsions and bad descisions. There is consequences to both. I feel like we havent stop and rested, or been still and taken a moment to breathe.
My mind has not stoped to rest, to enjoy, to relax. I feel busy, over stimulated with people and their perspective on my life...what I dont do, or do but dont do right!
Yesterday at Church the message was to choose peace. To beaware of my tongue and what I say.....I can create hell on earth for others and or for myself. which is funny because that was exactly what I had been thinking about this week. I need to create heaven on earth with my tongue. I need to be a blessing, not a curse.
I also have been realising that I dont like confrontation. Like even in the little things such as....we were going to get a pool table and I told the people that we would take it...but have decided not to...but I dont want to tell the people we have changed our minds....I dont want them to be mad at us.
I dont Like people not being happy with me...
I have also been mulling over the thought....may your yea be yea....to stick to what you say...if you give your word then stick to your word. I volunteered at VBS last week..it was for four days.....I did three.....I felt that I needed to fullfill what I said, but I didnt.....
I need to stop and think before I say yes to something....and then go with the consequences what ever they maybe.
But then how does that work with things like the pool table, or a kitchen table that I said we would buy....I dont know...I feel so confused!
There is also the school thing.....we said we would put the kids in Private school, but now dont know what to do? $$$$ wise it would be smarter to put then in public, but we said yes to private...they are expecting us? What to do..
Anuyways this is my life as of now.....It is far from perfect.....I have decided to be honest......I am tired of not being honest that life isnt perfect and I pretending that I have it all together, because I dont....I am sorry for protraying a perfect life.....however I do believe despite our misstakes we can still be positive and give life to ourselves and others...we can learn to create heaven here on earth...but being aware of what we say...we can choose peace!
I feel like the last 3 months have been a whirlwind of stress, emotions, havoc, very unsettling... I feel like we have made good descsions and bad descisions. There is consequences to both. I feel like we havent stop and rested, or been still and taken a moment to breathe.
My mind has not stoped to rest, to enjoy, to relax. I feel busy, over stimulated with people and their perspective on my life...what I dont do, or do but dont do right!
Yesterday at Church the message was to choose peace. To beaware of my tongue and what I say.....I can create hell on earth for others and or for myself. which is funny because that was exactly what I had been thinking about this week. I need to create heaven on earth with my tongue. I need to be a blessing, not a curse.
I also have been realising that I dont like confrontation. Like even in the little things such as....we were going to get a pool table and I told the people that we would take it...but have decided not to...but I dont want to tell the people we have changed our minds....I dont want them to be mad at us.
I dont Like people not being happy with me...
I have also been mulling over the thought....may your yea be yea....to stick to what you say...if you give your word then stick to your word. I volunteered at VBS last week..it was for four days.....I did three.....I felt that I needed to fullfill what I said, but I didnt.....
I need to stop and think before I say yes to something....and then go with the consequences what ever they maybe.
But then how does that work with things like the pool table, or a kitchen table that I said we would buy....I dont know...I feel so confused!
There is also the school thing.....we said we would put the kids in Private school, but now dont know what to do? $$$$ wise it would be smarter to put then in public, but we said yes to private...they are expecting us? What to do..
Anuyways this is my life as of now.....It is far from perfect.....I have decided to be honest......I am tired of not being honest that life isnt perfect and I pretending that I have it all together, because I dont....I am sorry for protraying a perfect life.....however I do believe despite our misstakes we can still be positive and give life to ourselves and others...we can learn to create heaven here on earth...but being aware of what we say...we can choose peace!
Friday, August 17, 2007
mansion on a hill
So I told you about the big house in Westwood Plateau...well we got it and move in on the 25 th of August. Yep its so fast but yet it is good, as my parents are returning on the 4th. So now I have to pack.....in one week!! Crazy..but I am so looking forward to the new season of our lives!! This house is 5600 sq feet.....crazy eh!! Actually we for the first while are only going to be using about 4000 sq ft. There is 6 bedrms, 5 bathroom, 3 car garage, a huge deck with an amzing view!! There are three living rms and a media room.....yes I dont think we can use all the space...but it will be fun to have so much space!!
I feel very blessed!! Thank you Lord for our new home!!
You are all welcome to come visit!!
Be Blessed!!!
I feel very blessed!! Thank you Lord for our new home!!
You are all welcome to come visit!!
Be Blessed!!!
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
New Chapeter in Life
Wow so we have sold our house!! IN two weeks! We are still in shock, excited but a bit sad to leave such a great neighborhood.... and our house looks so good!! Well but a new chapter is beginning! The closing dates were for Nov 6 but have now been moved up to Sept 6......crazy....that means I have just over 2 weeks to find a new home, pack and move...all before the kids go back to school!
Well it will all work out!! So we ve been looking for houses...we almost rented a 5600 sq house in Westwood Plateau...it was beautiful....everything we want in a house.....but we have decided not to spend to much $$$ on rent, because we still want to save for another house as well as go on holidays etc....so know we are looking for something less expensive!! I know the perfect home will come! But the wait and the unknown is so wow........ I am so thankful that through all this there is peace and I know that God has everything in control......we just have to trust and wait .....
Be blessed!!
Well it will all work out!! So we ve been looking for houses...we almost rented a 5600 sq house in Westwood Plateau...it was beautiful....everything we want in a house.....but we have decided not to spend to much $$$ on rent, because we still want to save for another house as well as go on holidays etc....so know we are looking for something less expensive!! I know the perfect home will come! But the wait and the unknown is so wow........ I am so thankful that through all this there is peace and I know that God has everything in control......we just have to trust and wait .....
Be blessed!!
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Do you love yourself?
Question of the day...do you love yourself? Is what you are doing right now good for you? Is it loving yourself? Not in a sick way but in a true honest love for yourself. Honoring, respecting myself! taking pride in!!
I just had a conversation with my sister in law...who asked me do I love myself!!! As I am reaching for the second choclate barvarian cream donut....are my actions showing love to myself? Her thoughts are that people who have weight issues whether, overweight or under weight..........deep down there is a self hatred....... So it got me thinking.....do I love myself? I have always considered my self as not much fazes me, I can come accross that I am happy despite my weight or looks......but if I let myself go and think about how I really feel then I get depressed! Like the day I weighed my self and was so shocked that I had gained 15 lbs. I was depressed all day! I can come acrross confident, but deep down am I really? I totally know I have come a very long way with my self esteem, and I am so thankful.....but know I have been thinking how do I lose weight? I am an emotional eater.....if I am bored I eat, if I am stressed I eat, if I am sad or depressed I eat! I also drink tea!!!!!! But now that I am finally admitting this...what do I do?
My sister in law also talked about whether my desire for weight loss shouldnt be a one time goal, but a lifetime change. Rather then do the diet, do the workout,....start asking mysef what do I like to do, what are my passions? Is what I am doing loving myself? So I have decided that instead of a gym membership....I am gonna go golfing more often..I love golfing, and tennis why not play tennis?? Racquet ball is super fun tooo...Lets be creative, lets be fun, lets do what we love to do not what we think we should do...... some people might love the gym, some people might love swimming........let find out what we love to do and do it! Be come more active doing things you were made to do!!
Well I have alot of thoughts I am processing....it will be a different thing to do....but I think I might be on the right track! Another thing in doing this is I might have to do it on my own.....meaning Trev isnt a big tennis fan. we love doing things together...and thats ok........its a change, but it will be good. Keep ya posted on my thoughts .....
be blessed
I just had a conversation with my sister in law...who asked me do I love myself!!! As I am reaching for the second choclate barvarian cream donut....are my actions showing love to myself? Her thoughts are that people who have weight issues whether, overweight or under weight..........deep down there is a self hatred....... So it got me thinking.....do I love myself? I have always considered my self as not much fazes me, I can come accross that I am happy despite my weight or looks......but if I let myself go and think about how I really feel then I get depressed! Like the day I weighed my self and was so shocked that I had gained 15 lbs. I was depressed all day! I can come acrross confident, but deep down am I really? I totally know I have come a very long way with my self esteem, and I am so thankful.....but know I have been thinking how do I lose weight? I am an emotional eater.....if I am bored I eat, if I am stressed I eat, if I am sad or depressed I eat! I also drink tea!!!!!! But now that I am finally admitting this...what do I do?
My sister in law also talked about whether my desire for weight loss shouldnt be a one time goal, but a lifetime change. Rather then do the diet, do the workout,....start asking mysef what do I like to do, what are my passions? Is what I am doing loving myself? So I have decided that instead of a gym membership....I am gonna go golfing more often..I love golfing, and tennis why not play tennis?? Racquet ball is super fun tooo...Lets be creative, lets be fun, lets do what we love to do not what we think we should do...... some people might love the gym, some people might love swimming........let find out what we love to do and do it! Be come more active doing things you were made to do!!
Well I have alot of thoughts I am processing....it will be a different thing to do....but I think I might be on the right track! Another thing in doing this is I might have to do it on my own.....meaning Trev isnt a big tennis fan. we love doing things together...and thats ok........its a change, but it will be good. Keep ya posted on my thoughts .....
be blessed
Thursday, August 9, 2007
so my new word is determination......discipline is good, but if you don't have determination you dont have discipline!
So I realized once again my lack of discipline.....this time it is with money......I love to shop. to spend money, to go nuts at pay days.....I am so not frugual! I get such a high if I can buy something on sale....like I bought a shirt, that I havent even worn...for $2.00, but it was a great deal, now it just sits in my closet in a crumpled mess!! I so need help!! Actually we have just started getting help...I am quite excited.....it should save alot of stress!! We go on these spending sprees which are fun, but then we stress out because we spent way to much $$$ and then have to starve untill payday again! Well Lord help us!!!!
I realise that every area of my life is lacking discipline...... how do I change......what do I lack....determination.....
how do I change?
how do you get determination?
In Belize on our honeymoon.....we were staying with this missionary family and when one of the kids were having a bad attitude the conversation between the father abd the child would say " How is you attitude?" "Bad daddy" "What should you do" "Change my attitude" " ok then"
Immediatley they would change their attitude...it was amazing to watch.....
I realize it is like God our Father is saying " How is your attitude?" "How is your discipline going?" " How is your determination going?" Today my answer would be "not good" So my Father would say to me.."What should you do about it?" and my answer is........
I also just had the thought that God is our personal trainer...... we would succeed if we just listen to what He is saying to do!!
Wow my Father...help please.....be my personal trainer.....I choose this day to be a new day! A new way of thinking! A new lifestyle with determination and discipline!! I choose to change.....
If you are reading this then I ask you to help me be accountable to this....ask me how is it going.... I cant do this alone!
Thanks for your support and prayers in this!
Be blessed
So I realized once again my lack of discipline.....this time it is with money......I love to shop. to spend money, to go nuts at pay days.....I am so not frugual! I get such a high if I can buy something on sale....like I bought a shirt, that I havent even worn...for $2.00, but it was a great deal, now it just sits in my closet in a crumpled mess!! I so need help!! Actually we have just started getting help...I am quite excited.....it should save alot of stress!! We go on these spending sprees which are fun, but then we stress out because we spent way to much $$$ and then have to starve untill payday again! Well Lord help us!!!!
I realise that every area of my life is lacking discipline...... how do I change......what do I lack....determination.....
how do I change?
how do you get determination?
In Belize on our honeymoon.....we were staying with this missionary family and when one of the kids were having a bad attitude the conversation between the father abd the child would say " How is you attitude?" "Bad daddy" "What should you do" "Change my attitude" " ok then"
Immediatley they would change their attitude...it was amazing to watch.....
I realize it is like God our Father is saying " How is your attitude?" "How is your discipline going?" " How is your determination going?" Today my answer would be "not good" So my Father would say to me.."What should you do about it?" and my answer is........
I also just had the thought that God is our personal trainer...... we would succeed if we just listen to what He is saying to do!!
Wow my Father...help please.....be my personal trainer.....I choose this day to be a new day! A new way of thinking! A new lifestyle with determination and discipline!! I choose to change.....
If you are reading this then I ask you to help me be accountable to this....ask me how is it going.... I cant do this alone!
Thanks for your support and prayers in this!
Be blessed
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
long time no blog
Wow l life has been crazy!! Our house is finally finished and looks amazing!!! It goes on the market this week! We are believing it to sell this time! We want to be free financially from it. I love it though and it looks great! It has been such a process, character building, etc
Now this season is done and we have to keep the house clean....it's the best time....to practise my favorite word...discipline!!
I have also been asking God...now what? What Am I to do? What do you want of us? I watch and listen to people who have a vision and are following their passsions and I am envious.....what are my passions? What is my vision? What is my purpose?
In September Shenelle goes to Kindergarten and I have 2.5 days to myself...what Will I do? I know I am going to start working out again.....but what to do?
What am I excited about? What drives me? Motivates me?
So I feel like I am at a crossroad waiting......for our house to sell, for vision, for purpose?
SO my prayer is Lord now what do you want me to do?
welcome to my life again!
be blessed today!
Know that God loves you!
Now this season is done and we have to keep the house clean....it's the best time....to practise my favorite word...discipline!!
I have also been asking God...now what? What Am I to do? What do you want of us? I watch and listen to people who have a vision and are following their passsions and I am envious.....what are my passions? What is my vision? What is my purpose?
In September Shenelle goes to Kindergarten and I have 2.5 days to myself...what Will I do? I know I am going to start working out again.....but what to do?
What am I excited about? What drives me? Motivates me?
So I feel like I am at a crossroad waiting......for our house to sell, for vision, for purpose?
SO my prayer is Lord now what do you want me to do?
welcome to my life again!
be blessed today!
Know that God loves you!
Saturday, June 23, 2007
life as I know it right now?
Wow what a crazy last few weeks.....living with 7 people in a one bedroom basement suite can be quite overwelming!! Having no where to go to have space....our kitchen is starting to slowly come together....we have started painting finally, but the basement we are still waiting on quotes for insurance....
Our house will be beautiful and new when it is done.....just the process is not fun! Some days it is so hard to maintain a good attitude, to be a peace, to be patient! Somedays I just want to run away, so I go shopping....I love retail therapy!!
We are also at this time looking at our lives, we have a good life, however we are so busy and there is so much $$$ pressure...so we are trying to think of ways to reduce this pressure so we can spend more time with our family and less time having to work so much! So far our only idea is to sell the house....because that is a huge pressure $$$. God has been so faithful and provided all our needs every month....and I am so thankful. however we would like to be free as well. So pray that everything will work out. That our house will sell....the kids also want to be closer to school too. They so loved school and that is important to us as well.
Anyhow that is our life as of today...just waiting patiently!!!!!! We enjoyed seeing Fortunate Downfall play at the Battle of the Bands last night...they were definatly the best band!! It was so cool to see them up on stage performing there own songs...they are definatly very talented!! Way to go guys !
Be blessed and remember everything works together for good!!
Our house will be beautiful and new when it is done.....just the process is not fun! Some days it is so hard to maintain a good attitude, to be a peace, to be patient! Somedays I just want to run away, so I go shopping....I love retail therapy!!
We are also at this time looking at our lives, we have a good life, however we are so busy and there is so much $$$ pressure...so we are trying to think of ways to reduce this pressure so we can spend more time with our family and less time having to work so much! So far our only idea is to sell the house....because that is a huge pressure $$$. God has been so faithful and provided all our needs every month....and I am so thankful. however we would like to be free as well. So pray that everything will work out. That our house will sell....the kids also want to be closer to school too. They so loved school and that is important to us as well.
Anyhow that is our life as of today...just waiting patiently!!!!!! We enjoyed seeing Fortunate Downfall play at the Battle of the Bands last night...they were definatly the best band!! It was so cool to see them up on stage performing there own songs...they are definatly very talented!! Way to go guys !
Be blessed and remember everything works together for good!!
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
crazy house I live in.....
What a crazy week....life is such an adventure!!! From my last blog if felt quite depressed for a day,,,,I also got my period that day.....I know that I don't suffer from depression...I also know that I need to take control of my thoughts better....Thanks to the anonymous encouragement....not sure who wrote it do the anonymous ness however it blessed me!! thank you!!
Meanwhile this last week...crazy......we started by doing a simple kitchen reno...change the counters, add new flooring and that was it.....then we decided to change the cabinets.....so then we needed to take done the backsplash tile and when we did this...the whole wall crumbled....so we had to take the entire wall down and re drywall it....so this started a domino affect...because since we took the wall down then we might as well take down the bulkhead over the cabinets as well as take down a wall the stuck out in the middle of nowhere...... so now my whole kitchen is gutted almost to the stud.....so we started eating downstairs in my parents make shift kitchen. Meanwhile downstairs we noticed some paint peeling and that it went up two of our walls....so we got insurance to look at it and they told us to find the root of this leak.....after taking moldy wet walls down and ripping up the sub flooring we realised that the leak came from the main water line to the house...so we got that fixed...so due to the water damage we have had to get movers and move out all of our basement things to storage..due to not having any kitchen and to the mold ect we are now living at Trev's parents basement suite with my parents....crazy times....we have laughed, we have been stressed....but the best part is everything works together for good......we are getting a new basement...thanks to insurance and our kitchen reno keeps getting more gutted due to the wacky house we live in....but in the end it will be beautiful....I know God has everything in his hands and he has a purpose for all this.......now it just waiting for the completion of all these wonderful renos.....it crazy here....but most are alot of fun!!!
Love you all...be blessed!!
Meanwhile this last week...crazy......we started by doing a simple kitchen reno...change the counters, add new flooring and that was it.....then we decided to change the cabinets.....so then we needed to take done the backsplash tile and when we did this...the whole wall crumbled....so we had to take the entire wall down and re drywall it....so this started a domino affect...because since we took the wall down then we might as well take down the bulkhead over the cabinets as well as take down a wall the stuck out in the middle of nowhere...... so now my whole kitchen is gutted almost to the stud.....so we started eating downstairs in my parents make shift kitchen. Meanwhile downstairs we noticed some paint peeling and that it went up two of our walls....so we got insurance to look at it and they told us to find the root of this leak.....after taking moldy wet walls down and ripping up the sub flooring we realised that the leak came from the main water line to the house...so we got that fixed...so due to the water damage we have had to get movers and move out all of our basement things to storage..due to not having any kitchen and to the mold ect we are now living at Trev's parents basement suite with my parents....crazy times....we have laughed, we have been stressed....but the best part is everything works together for good......we are getting a new basement...thanks to insurance and our kitchen reno keeps getting more gutted due to the wacky house we live in....but in the end it will be beautiful....I know God has everything in his hands and he has a purpose for all this.......now it just waiting for the completion of all these wonderful renos.....it crazy here....but most are alot of fun!!!
Love you all...be blessed!!
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
So today has been an off day!! I realised something that got me down and I don't know how to fix it.....it tried before, but I never been able to finish what I started or stay motivated to start and finish.....plus I am not feeling very well..... so what do I do? I am praying for wisdom, but I truly dont feel motivated....its like I wan to curl up and sleep! I think that I can suffer from depression.....never ever thought I did, but know I am wondering....However set your minds on things above...runaway with my Lord.....help Father....I need a huge miracle and direction...Anyhow I hope you all are having a great day in the beautiful sun!!
Be blessed!
Be blessed!
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Long weekend
Well Saturday we decided at the last minute...surprize surprize....to be spontantous..and go to Whistler for 2 nights....
I have never been...what a beautiful drive... We had a blast....it was so needed!
On our drive up we convinced our best friends to come up too.....it took alot of convincing...like twisitng a rubber arm!!!!!
Yep it was good we hung out with them in our condo, it was fun and so good to be away!!
We went swimming and and walked as far as the grocery store 3 x, other then that we just enjoyed the condo, on Sun all had a 3 hour nap, we really did nothing and actually relaxed....I did shop for a couple of minutes...I bought a new bathing suit from the spa....$150.00 for $50.00.....that was all my retail therapy.....the best therapy was hanging out, napping, and just being with the family. It was so needed!!
Even when I got home the kids watched a movie and I finished my break by reading a book, which I haven't read in ages!! So good, so relaxing, now I feel able to take on onther week....we are already planning another vacation...this time we are trying to plan it in advance...werid I know, but it is good for us to try different things like planning in advance!!
I hope you all had a great weekend!
Be blessed
I have never been...what a beautiful drive... We had a blast....it was so needed!
On our drive up we convinced our best friends to come up too.....it took alot of convincing...like twisitng a rubber arm!!!!!
Yep it was good we hung out with them in our condo, it was fun and so good to be away!!
We went swimming and and walked as far as the grocery store 3 x, other then that we just enjoyed the condo, on Sun all had a 3 hour nap, we really did nothing and actually relaxed....I did shop for a couple of minutes...I bought a new bathing suit from the spa....$150.00 for $50.00.....that was all my retail therapy.....the best therapy was hanging out, napping, and just being with the family. It was so needed!!
Even when I got home the kids watched a movie and I finished my break by reading a book, which I haven't read in ages!! So good, so relaxing, now I feel able to take on onther week....we are already planning another vacation...this time we are trying to plan it in advance...werid I know, but it is good for us to try different things like planning in advance!!
I hope you all had a great weekend!
Be blessed
Friday, May 18, 2007
I am a new woman
Yep no homeschooling, it's great...I feel like a new woman.....I have vision, goals, life.....So good to take time just with Shenelle, Trevor and or myself!!
We have been gardening like crazy the last couple of weeks!! We have cut down trees, cleaned up, weeded, planted, seeded, etc ....I am looking forward to the fruit of all our hard work!! Now the most important part is to remember to water everything!!
Anyhow this is just a quick update as to the life of Vangie...I hope that all is going well with you and I hope you all have a great long weekend!!!!
Be Blessed!!
We have been gardening like crazy the last couple of weeks!! We have cut down trees, cleaned up, weeded, planted, seeded, etc ....I am looking forward to the fruit of all our hard work!! Now the most important part is to remember to water everything!!
Anyhow this is just a quick update as to the life of Vangie...I hope that all is going well with you and I hope you all have a great long weekend!!!!
Be Blessed!!
Sunday, May 6, 2007
life and seminar
Wow so much has been going on!! We have started getting use to waking up at 6 AM to get the children ready and off to school! They love it!! We love it...it is so worth while to see them so happy and making friends!! I love hanging out with Shenelle and friends. We bought a new car its a volvo so nice so comfortable!! we also traded in our van for a 7 seater Acura MDX. So now I can go about whenever, wherever!! we are so blessed!
We also just had Marijanel come to our church and do a Doors of promise semeniar....it was so good and I know that everyone who was there was blessed. They also did a kids of promise seminar and the kids loved it. a the end of the last night they sang /danced a song and said a blessing over us adults...it was so good, so annointed. To have a childlike faith....... it was so good! On saturday morning steve and Mj talked to our youth about worship and how we need to worship in spirit, body and soul. it was so good.
God is so good!!
I also rented a digital piano, so cool...I have written two songs!!
There is a river
there is a spring
there is a fountain
flowin out of me
Over flow
over flow
overflow in me
Set your minds
on things above
He will give you peace
perfect peace
Runaway with me
Runaway with me my love
I ll give you peace
You will find rest
You will find peace
You will find love
You will find me
it so fun to worship and play, to create!
I also painted again for the first time in a long time I will try and put the picture of it on the blog soon!
We are so blessed to be loved by such an amazing God!
Be blessed and know that God loves you!!
We also just had Marijanel come to our church and do a Doors of promise semeniar....it was so good and I know that everyone who was there was blessed. They also did a kids of promise seminar and the kids loved it. a the end of the last night they sang /danced a song and said a blessing over us adults...it was so good, so annointed. To have a childlike faith....... it was so good! On saturday morning steve and Mj talked to our youth about worship and how we need to worship in spirit, body and soul. it was so good.
God is so good!!
I also rented a digital piano, so cool...I have written two songs!!
There is a river
there is a spring
there is a fountain
flowin out of me
Over flow
over flow
overflow in me
Set your minds
on things above
He will give you peace
perfect peace
Runaway with me
Runaway with me my love
I ll give you peace
You will find rest
You will find peace
You will find love
You will find me
it so fun to worship and play, to create!
I also painted again for the first time in a long time I will try and put the picture of it on the blog soon!
We are so blessed to be loved by such an amazing God!
Be blessed and know that God loves you!!
Monday, April 23, 2007
First Day of school!!
Wow what a great day!! We were up at 5:45 AM Crazy, but good! I am really trying to be disciplined to wake up before the children!! To have a family breakfast , and get out the door by 7:45 Am ....school starts at 8:25 Am!! We had a great morning!! It went smoothly and Justice and Daphne were so excited!!
So we got to school and met the teachers and they were so excited to see their desks already ready with their names and books. They were so excited to wear their uniforms and looked amazing!!
The girls in Daphne's class were so excited that Daphne was there! It was so cute!! And so good for Daphne!
They both came home saying "I made new friends!!!"
They came out of the class with huge smiles, saying they loved it!!
I am so blessed to see them so happy!!
I am so thankful that God has directed us there!
So Shenelle, Trevor, And I went to TIMMY's then went car shopping again....it is much easier with only one child then 3!!
So we found a car that we loved...if it all goes through we should have it on Friday!!
It's a 2005 Infiniti G35, a champagne color. so cool!! Drives so nice!!
Well see whatever God wants!
So Shenelle and I went to our friends house and hung-out until it was time to get the children!!
Then we came home and I mowed the lawn for the first time ever!!
Now I am so tired...after getting up early, go, go, go then lawn mowing....
It was a great day!!
Thank you Lord for today!!
Thank you for your directions and guidance as to school!
Thank you for your blessing!
Be blessed today!!
So we got to school and met the teachers and they were so excited to see their desks already ready with their names and books. They were so excited to wear their uniforms and looked amazing!!
The girls in Daphne's class were so excited that Daphne was there! It was so cute!! And so good for Daphne!
They both came home saying "I made new friends!!!"
They came out of the class with huge smiles, saying they loved it!!
I am so blessed to see them so happy!!
I am so thankful that God has directed us there!
So Shenelle, Trevor, And I went to TIMMY's then went car shopping again....it is much easier with only one child then 3!!
So we found a car that we loved...if it all goes through we should have it on Friday!!
It's a 2005 Infiniti G35, a champagne color. so cool!! Drives so nice!!
Well see whatever God wants!
So Shenelle and I went to our friends house and hung-out until it was time to get the children!!
Then we came home and I mowed the lawn for the first time ever!!
Now I am so tired...after getting up early, go, go, go then lawn mowing....
It was a great day!!
Thank you Lord for today!!
Thank you for your directions and guidance as to school!
Thank you for your blessing!
Be blessed today!!
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Wow as of Monday I am no longer homeschooling!! There is alot of relief, sadnness and unknownness at the moment. Relief...because I know I will be a better mom, calmer, happier.... sadness because I have enjoyed being free to go whereever, whenever, sleep in every day!!!!, and hang out with the children. I will miss having them around so much yet at the same time love being free and having breaks!! The unknownness is change, schedule, have to be disciplined, and its a step of faith financially. But I know that God provides everything we need!!!
It defintely will be different, but I know that it is good! I know the last few months has been good, in the fact if spending time with the children, I just know that I also need a break from the constant 24/7!! I am glad we tried homeschooling, I am glad that we had the experince, rather then always wonder.
I know there was people who wondered how long it woudl last, and I wanted to prove them wrong that I could do it, however I know that I can do it, but I realize it is better for hte children socially to be apart of a school and friends, be able to play sports, sing. etc.
I also know that if we hadn't home schooled we wouldn't of chosen Christian School! I am so thankful that God works everything togther for good. I now realise how important it is for the children to learn about Jesus in a day to day walk. I also know that it is our responsiblity to teach them as well, however it is good to get other peoples persceptives as well!
Well I am excited, I beleive that this has all been a process to learning about myself, to trusting God, and to hear what He is saying!
Be blessed!!
It defintely will be different, but I know that it is good! I know the last few months has been good, in the fact if spending time with the children, I just know that I also need a break from the constant 24/7!! I am glad we tried homeschooling, I am glad that we had the experince, rather then always wonder.
I know there was people who wondered how long it woudl last, and I wanted to prove them wrong that I could do it, however I know that I can do it, but I realize it is better for hte children socially to be apart of a school and friends, be able to play sports, sing. etc.
I also know that if we hadn't home schooled we wouldn't of chosen Christian School! I am so thankful that God works everything togther for good. I now realise how important it is for the children to learn about Jesus in a day to day walk. I also know that it is our responsiblity to teach them as well, however it is good to get other peoples persceptives as well!
Well I am excited, I beleive that this has all been a process to learning about myself, to trusting God, and to hear what He is saying!
Be blessed!!
Monday, April 16, 2007
Vision, goals, purpose = peace
Well I am still on my sabbaitcal! I realized this when I went somewhere that I felt obligated to go and as soon as I got there I was drained of all energy! I said that in my sabbatical that I wouldn't do anything that I felt obligated to do and now I know why!!
So I am on this sabbatical...asking God manty questions. Some I am not sure I want the answers for, but I realized that the biggest thing I am asking God for is vision, purpose, goals. I want clear without a doubt knowing what I am required to do by my Lord! What the hell am I here for? What is my purpose?
Growing up all I wanted to be was a mom and a wife.....that was my goal.....I love it! Maybe that is all I need to focusing on is a my family. My home, having a safe place of peace....security from a world of mess.....
I think that is my purpose at the moment. Yet when I see my house in disray, I feel a mess, I think the children feel a mess. So my new goal as of today is to provide my family a place of peace.
Father I need your peace in me to flow to my family! If I am not at peace then they aren't a peace. Father pour out your peace on us all, especially me!!
More bramblings of some of the thoughts that are in my head....I am really seeking God for answers and guidance. I am tired of being a rollarcoaster of emotions, stresses, etc.
I want to know what God is saying to me without a shadow of a doubt, and know I am not lead by emotions , but by My Father.
Be blessed
So I am on this sabbatical...asking God manty questions. Some I am not sure I want the answers for, but I realized that the biggest thing I am asking God for is vision, purpose, goals. I want clear without a doubt knowing what I am required to do by my Lord! What the hell am I here for? What is my purpose?
Growing up all I wanted to be was a mom and a wife.....that was my goal.....I love it! Maybe that is all I need to focusing on is a my family. My home, having a safe place of peace....security from a world of mess.....
I think that is my purpose at the moment. Yet when I see my house in disray, I feel a mess, I think the children feel a mess. So my new goal as of today is to provide my family a place of peace.
Father I need your peace in me to flow to my family! If I am not at peace then they aren't a peace. Father pour out your peace on us all, especially me!!
More bramblings of some of the thoughts that are in my head....I am really seeking God for answers and guidance. I am tired of being a rollarcoaster of emotions, stresses, etc.
I want to know what God is saying to me without a shadow of a doubt, and know I am not lead by emotions , but by My Father.
Be blessed
Friday, April 13, 2007
contentment and bramblings
Contentment means ease of mind!
Paul says.... I have learned In whaterever state I am in to be content, whether rich or poor.
The last couple of weeks we have been able to get a new couch, new bed, and start renos on our kitchen to make it nicer. I feel very blessed and I thank God for the deals. Our couch we got for an amazing deal and it is only 2 months old. Our new king sz bed was brand new pillowtop and we got another amazing deal. I feel very blessed. I have decided that I enjoy nice things and I like my home to look good..... But I also know that I would give it all away if God asked me to.
I have been really praying and thinking about this. Contentment. I think because I am seasonal I can easily be discontented. I love change. Some people find that very strange and can get stressed out about any type of change, but I am always up for a new adventure.
So my prayer is now what God, what adventure our we going on next?
I felt very free awhile back that I could be seasonal, but rooted. Like Tree goes through seasons but it stay put, it grows stong, but it never moves from it's roots. Yet trees can be up rooted and moved ...replanted..... The roots go witht the tree, sometimes it leaves some of the roots behind,,,,its like leaving a bit of oneslves behind. When the tree is replanted as long as it has been replanted where there is good soil, refreshing water and the tree will continue to blossom and bear fruit!
Why am I talking about all this? I dont know.....it just what I have been thinking about lately. My seasonalness has been kicking in , maybe it because we are praying about selling our house. Actually I think it is all about being content. No matter where, no matter what, rich or poor, I am learning to be content!
So these are the bramblings of my mind.....I don't know if it makes sense to you all, but......its my blog....its my thoughts,
Be blessed
Paul says.... I have learned In whaterever state I am in to be content, whether rich or poor.
The last couple of weeks we have been able to get a new couch, new bed, and start renos on our kitchen to make it nicer. I feel very blessed and I thank God for the deals. Our couch we got for an amazing deal and it is only 2 months old. Our new king sz bed was brand new pillowtop and we got another amazing deal. I feel very blessed. I have decided that I enjoy nice things and I like my home to look good..... But I also know that I would give it all away if God asked me to.
I have been really praying and thinking about this. Contentment. I think because I am seasonal I can easily be discontented. I love change. Some people find that very strange and can get stressed out about any type of change, but I am always up for a new adventure.
So my prayer is now what God, what adventure our we going on next?
I felt very free awhile back that I could be seasonal, but rooted. Like Tree goes through seasons but it stay put, it grows stong, but it never moves from it's roots. Yet trees can be up rooted and moved ...replanted..... The roots go witht the tree, sometimes it leaves some of the roots behind,,,,its like leaving a bit of oneslves behind. When the tree is replanted as long as it has been replanted where there is good soil, refreshing water and the tree will continue to blossom and bear fruit!
Why am I talking about all this? I dont know.....it just what I have been thinking about lately. My seasonalness has been kicking in , maybe it because we are praying about selling our house. Actually I think it is all about being content. No matter where, no matter what, rich or poor, I am learning to be content!
So these are the bramblings of my mind.....I don't know if it makes sense to you all, but......its my blog....its my thoughts,
Be blessed
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
So this week I have decided to take a sabatical. I have put aside all obligations, I have gotten up early and spent time with God. It's been great! God has met me! I don't know how long I am on this sabatical but It has been so needed!
Monday I ask the Lord for wisdom with schooling and I wanted to know with out a shadow of a doubt what we are to do, I also wanted the children and Trevor to know as well. So I told the children to pray and ask Jesus what school He wants them to go to. I gave them a list of five options that we had felt, I showed them the websites and sent them on their quiet time. Shenelle was the first and she walked into the kitchen and said "I want to go to Heather's school" I said I asked "Why?" She said "Because that is where Jesus told me to go!" It was very matter of a fact...
then Justice came in and said he want to go to "Christian School" I said "which Christian school". (because there was 2 to choose from) He said "Alex's school" (which is same school as Shenelle). Then Daphne came in and said "Heather's School"
I was so excited but I didn't think the answer would be THAT school....at least it could of been the cheaper school!! But as I thought about it I totally felt that it was the right school. Trevor even came home and without knowing the childrens answer said, "it was ok to send them to Christian school" It was a wild day!
So today we are going on a tour of the school! Kindergarten is 2 full days and everyone has 1/2 days Fridays. I totally know that God will provide where He sends!
Yesterday in my quiet time I felt to read Ecclesiates and I read in the side part of my bible and the comentary said.this: "God expects us to be disciplined. It is not a UN Natural, but the natural thing to be! Mow the lawn, clean up your house, or enjoy a hobby in order to please God"
It was so freeing to me that DISCIPLINE is Natural!
So today is day three of my sabaitcal. And today I have been seeking God about the little details as well as the big details. What do you require of me, of us? What do you want us to do with the house? Sell/ Keep? We are doing a huge reno in our kitchen, are we doing this to enjoy it or to sell it? Part of me doesn't want to know the answer right know!
So here is my scripture for today.....
Ecclesiates 3: 11
God has given us a desire to know the future. He does everthing just right and on time, but we (people) can never completely understand what He is doing!!
Well once again I am learning to trust God!!
And once again I am learning to listen and obey!
No matter what I in my humanness may think! It all comes down to one word, one word that my whole walk with God is founded on......one BIG word.....
Be blessed today and seek HIm today....He will meet you where you are!
Monday I ask the Lord for wisdom with schooling and I wanted to know with out a shadow of a doubt what we are to do, I also wanted the children and Trevor to know as well. So I told the children to pray and ask Jesus what school He wants them to go to. I gave them a list of five options that we had felt, I showed them the websites and sent them on their quiet time. Shenelle was the first and she walked into the kitchen and said "I want to go to Heather's school" I said I asked "Why?" She said "Because that is where Jesus told me to go!" It was very matter of a fact...
then Justice came in and said he want to go to "Christian School" I said "which Christian school". (because there was 2 to choose from) He said "Alex's school" (which is same school as Shenelle). Then Daphne came in and said "Heather's School"
I was so excited but I didn't think the answer would be THAT school....at least it could of been the cheaper school!! But as I thought about it I totally felt that it was the right school. Trevor even came home and without knowing the childrens answer said, "it was ok to send them to Christian school" It was a wild day!
So today we are going on a tour of the school! Kindergarten is 2 full days and everyone has 1/2 days Fridays. I totally know that God will provide where He sends!
Yesterday in my quiet time I felt to read Ecclesiates and I read in the side part of my bible and the comentary said.this: "God expects us to be disciplined. It is not a UN Natural, but the natural thing to be! Mow the lawn, clean up your house, or enjoy a hobby in order to please God"
It was so freeing to me that DISCIPLINE is Natural!
So today is day three of my sabaitcal. And today I have been seeking God about the little details as well as the big details. What do you require of me, of us? What do you want us to do with the house? Sell/ Keep? We are doing a huge reno in our kitchen, are we doing this to enjoy it or to sell it? Part of me doesn't want to know the answer right know!
So here is my scripture for today.....
Ecclesiates 3: 11
God has given us a desire to know the future. He does everthing just right and on time, but we (people) can never completely understand what He is doing!!
Well once again I am learning to trust God!!
And once again I am learning to listen and obey!
No matter what I in my humanness may think! It all comes down to one word, one word that my whole walk with God is founded on......one BIG word.....
Be blessed today and seek HIm today....He will meet you where you are!
Monday, April 9, 2007
Yoyo's and rollarcoasters
I am so glad that God has un ending supply of Grace. I am so glad that He knows we aren't perfect! There have been so many times that I have made a hasty descision or not seen the signs God so blantly put in front of us. Yet through it all His Grace has made my bad descisions and turned it in to good. I might have missed the Best but God made it good. You learn through the wrong choices, your character gets stronger, and there is still blessing, but I wonder how much more and how much better it would be it I had made God's choice? But the past is the past! We have to let go of the past, of the wrong choices, of any guilt and condemnation and walk in today!! Be who God has created us to be today! Seek God for the answers to questions rather then wonder where He is when we have done our own ideas.
Matthew says ...seek first the Kingdom of God....
The Bible also says......Our ideas are different to God's ideas and His ways are different to our ways!!
So I am learning to wait and listen watch for doors to open and or close. I want to be alert to what God is saying.
Today I asked the children to pray and ask God for a specific answer regarding schooling.
I believe that He will tell all of us what He wants us to do.
I am tired of feeling like I am on a emotional roller coaster,....wondering on day about something and then the next day wondering the totally oppoisite things. example one day I want to sell the house and the other days I want to keep the house.
It is very stressful being such a yo yo.
So I am seeking God for answers, so that I will know with out a shadow of a doubt what I am suppose to do. No more yoyos, no more roller coasters, but confidence and peace.
Father God thank you for your Grace and mercy! Thank you for turning bad into good. Thank you for being all I need!
I love you Lord!
Be Blessed today!
Matthew says ...seek first the Kingdom of God....
The Bible also says......Our ideas are different to God's ideas and His ways are different to our ways!!
So I am learning to wait and listen watch for doors to open and or close. I want to be alert to what God is saying.
Today I asked the children to pray and ask God for a specific answer regarding schooling.
I believe that He will tell all of us what He wants us to do.
I am tired of feeling like I am on a emotional roller coaster,....wondering on day about something and then the next day wondering the totally oppoisite things. example one day I want to sell the house and the other days I want to keep the house.
It is very stressful being such a yo yo.
So I am seeking God for answers, so that I will know with out a shadow of a doubt what I am suppose to do. No more yoyos, no more roller coasters, but confidence and peace.
Father God thank you for your Grace and mercy! Thank you for turning bad into good. Thank you for being all I need!
I love you Lord!
Be Blessed today!
Monday, April 2, 2007
Thankfulness and not complaining
Yep that's what I am learning about!!! Being Thankful for what I have! I am blessed...I can just get a bit distracted by my attitudes!! The other day I was home and everywhere I looked I saw something wrong with our house. I was getting so frustrated that by the time Trev came home from work I had in my mind already put the house up for sale and was planning on moving!! Then the next day was totally opposite...I was think all about what I was going to do in the garden as well as different inside ideas. But what I am really working on is attitude. What a joyful (not) daily issue we have to deal with constantly! Somedays I suck at my attitude, and I usually don't remember until after the rotten attitude that I could of changed it! It is probly one of the most hardest things to do change your attitude. But I am working on it and practise does make better!
So our newest reno inside is we are changing the kitchen floor that I ripped up...yeah after lots of ideas, disagreements, we have decided to laminate the kitchen and Living room with a dark brown wood look. I think it will look really sharp!! And it is half the price to laminate then to tile or put lino down and we can still do two rooms!!
So yesterday I came across a free single ikea bed in excellent condition, so we picked it up for Justice....we got new bedding...He is so proud!! It is so cute.
So today I also finally got up early...7 am.... wow I read my Bible ( which is an amazing accomplishment!!) I had a quiet time....it was good, I got the verse James 4:15
15 What you ought to say is, “If the Lord wants us to, we will live and do this or that.”
I have been talking about doing many different things, so it was cool to read that "if the Lord wills..we will do..." Not" I am going to do this...I hope you bless me for it.".....then we strive, work extremely hard, and wonder why we are so tired, so exhausted, so done, it has become a chore.....we have jumped ahead of ourselves and not waited.....
The words I felt God say was "wait".
wait means to....
1. to remain inactive or in a state of repose, as until something expected happens (often fol. by for, till, or until)
2. (of things) to be available or in readiness
They that wait in the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall run and not grow weary, walk and not faint!
When we wait for HIm.....there is peace, there is vision, there is abundance, there is life!!
Lets wait on HIm this week ...lets expect HIm to do great things though us this week. Let's be at peace!
Love ya all
be blessed!!
So our newest reno inside is we are changing the kitchen floor that I ripped up...yeah after lots of ideas, disagreements, we have decided to laminate the kitchen and Living room with a dark brown wood look. I think it will look really sharp!! And it is half the price to laminate then to tile or put lino down and we can still do two rooms!!
So yesterday I came across a free single ikea bed in excellent condition, so we picked it up for Justice....we got new bedding...He is so proud!! It is so cute.
So today I also finally got up early...7 am.... wow I read my Bible ( which is an amazing accomplishment!!) I had a quiet time....it was good, I got the verse James 4:15
15 What you ought to say is, “If the Lord wants us to, we will live and do this or that.”
I have been talking about doing many different things, so it was cool to read that "if the Lord wills..we will do..." Not" I am going to do this...I hope you bless me for it.".....then we strive, work extremely hard, and wonder why we are so tired, so exhausted, so done, it has become a chore.....we have jumped ahead of ourselves and not waited.....
The words I felt God say was "wait".
wait means to....
1. to remain inactive or in a state of repose, as until something expected happens (often fol. by for, till, or until)
2. (of things) to be available or in readiness
They that wait in the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall run and not grow weary, walk and not faint!
When we wait for HIm.....there is peace, there is vision, there is abundance, there is life!!
Lets wait on HIm this week ...lets expect HIm to do great things though us this week. Let's be at peace!
Love ya all
be blessed!!
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Vegas and home
Vegas was amazing and hot!! We had a great time and didn't want to come home....but of course we came home!!
It's so cold here!! It's amazing how easily it is to get in a habit of wearing less clothes, since we came back it seems weird to wear jeans and sweaters!!And socks!!
Life goes on!! Back to reality.....this week has definitly been hard trudging! We been sick, no energy and all our plans of attack on our house have come to a stand still.
Everytime we have ever gone away we have come back with vision, goals, ideas for our future, but this time we didn't. So I guess now we are trying to make up for that..yet I feel like we are a scrounging for answers.
Help God ! We need vision, we need peace, we need your healing!! Help Lord!
We did have a great time though in Vegas.. I will post some pictures later!!
Hope you all have a great day!
We are also praying about letting the children go back to school in September!! Lord we need wisdom too!
Be blessed!!
It's so cold here!! It's amazing how easily it is to get in a habit of wearing less clothes, since we came back it seems weird to wear jeans and sweaters!!And socks!!
Life goes on!! Back to reality.....this week has definitly been hard trudging! We been sick, no energy and all our plans of attack on our house have come to a stand still.
Everytime we have ever gone away we have come back with vision, goals, ideas for our future, but this time we didn't. So I guess now we are trying to make up for that..yet I feel like we are a scrounging for answers.
Help God ! We need vision, we need peace, we need your healing!! Help Lord!
We did have a great time though in Vegas.. I will post some pictures later!!
Hope you all have a great day!
We are also praying about letting the children go back to school in September!! Lord we need wisdom too!
Be blessed!!
Friday, March 16, 2007
Off on Holidays!!
Yeah!!...we are flying away tomarrow for a week in Vegas!! Children are so excited and so am I. I have had to fight fear thoughts though....stupid I know....it is so frustrating. But I am fighting and I am victorious!!! I know that God has us in His hands......He has everyone here at home in His hands..... I trust Him!! Yes Lord I trust you and I thank you for the opportunity to have a holiday with my family. I know your angels are all around us, you are our protector! Thanks for keeping us all safe!!
So a cool thing happened this week!! I had a very bad sore throat for 4 days and on the 5 day was the worst, I didn't sleep at all because my throat hurt so much....I prayed God please heal my throat so when I wake up it would be gone.....so anyhow I woke up and felt alot better, however I still went to the Doc's and I told him how the previous night was the worst night....He was like really, because your throat isn't even very red.....and I was fine!! Yeah God thanks..you are so good!!
Anyways I need to go to bed!! I am quite tired and have packed my clothes 3x now and still think I will have too many clothes....but I like varitey.......it always depends on my mood as to what I want to wear!!
Anyways I hope you all have a great week...be blessed...worship and be at peace.....for you have a great GOD holding you in His hands!!!
Love you all!
So a cool thing happened this week!! I had a very bad sore throat for 4 days and on the 5 day was the worst, I didn't sleep at all because my throat hurt so much....I prayed God please heal my throat so when I wake up it would be gone.....so anyhow I woke up and felt alot better, however I still went to the Doc's and I told him how the previous night was the worst night....He was like really, because your throat isn't even very red.....and I was fine!! Yeah God thanks..you are so good!!
Anyways I need to go to bed!! I am quite tired and have packed my clothes 3x now and still think I will have too many clothes....but I like varitey.......it always depends on my mood as to what I want to wear!!
Anyways I hope you all have a great week...be blessed...worship and be at peace.....for you have a great GOD holding you in His hands!!!
Love you all!
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Crazy but peacful!!
Well we had some miss haps with our holiday. I phone our timeshare that we were planning on staying at,
just to confirm our arrival and they said that we were booked to arrive on Sat the 24, I was like no we are arriving on the 17, and they said no...your timeshare week is 12 not 11......I was like......but I have all our flights booked for the 17......despite it all, despite the stress I was very calm and peaceful..
At the same time all this was going on...we were selling our car to my niece...there was so much going on..it was crazy!!! However again there was peace....
In the end after hours on the phone and computer....we were able to get another condo in the same complex that our friends are staying in. It worked out even better then before.
Now that I look back on the day .....God was so in control......it is nice to know that He was working everything out!!!
It was such a neat thing to not freak out!!
We are so excited and are so excited that friends will be there too!
God is good and He really does work everything together for good!!
I so want to learn to rest in HIM all the time, trust Him all the time! Yes it will be so good!!
One step, one day at a time I will rest in Him, I will trust in Him!!
Have a blessed day!!
just to confirm our arrival and they said that we were booked to arrive on Sat the 24, I was like no we are arriving on the 17, and they said no...your timeshare week is 12 not 11......I was like......but I have all our flights booked for the 17......despite it all, despite the stress I was very calm and peaceful..
At the same time all this was going on...we were selling our car to my niece...there was so much going on..it was crazy!!! However again there was peace....
In the end after hours on the phone and computer....we were able to get another condo in the same complex that our friends are staying in. It worked out even better then before.
Now that I look back on the day .....God was so in control......it is nice to know that He was working everything out!!!
It was such a neat thing to not freak out!!
We are so excited and are so excited that friends will be there too!
God is good and He really does work everything together for good!!
I so want to learn to rest in HIM all the time, trust Him all the time! Yes it will be so good!!
One step, one day at a time I will rest in Him, I will trust in Him!!
Have a blessed day!!
Friday, March 9, 2007
Crap and Clutter
So today is a Great day. My ankle is abit more mobile, I am so excited about going on holidays!! This is our first holiday we have ever gone on as a family, flying, and not visiting family or friends!! Just all by our selves....the weather predicted for next Saturday is 28 c .......sun here we come!!!! I have to remember to buy sunscreen!! (That was amental note to myself)
This weekend the youth are taking on the Sunday morning service!! I think it will be good! Both sets of parents are coming as well as our good friends. I am also planning on cooking a traditional Sunday dinner...so I need to get my house in order.
it has been very frustrating not being moblie...you sit and you see how messy and cluttered my house is. I am motivated to get to work cleaning and decluttering.
It's kinda like our innerselves! We can get so busy working, doing "good" things, go go go that we don't take time to do things for ourselves and rest.....I think that some of us are scared to stop because then we will see our innerself and not want to deal with issues, our walls, our emotions etc etc. Yet it is so important to keep cleaning out the crap in our lives so that we can be free from the constant hurt, bitterness, guilt, etc. It is like our house..the more we keep cleaning it and decluttering the less time it will take to keep it clean and the more beautiful it is, there is more pride (good pride) in a clean house, then a messy house. If we just keep sweeping the issues, walls, emotions, guilts, fears under the carpet soon there will be a huge hump that we trip over all the time....but if we sweep it on put it in the garbage deal with it right away, we will see the smooth beautiful carpet. Wow we all deserve a beautiful house, and we all have a beutiful house (Body) that we live in...lets take care of it inside and out....lets ,make life easier, funner, less stressed. Lets work togther, partners, friends supporting each other with our homes and our lives....dealing with the dirt and crap, the clutter that seperates us from who we are in Christ! Are you with me?
This weekend the youth are taking on the Sunday morning service!! I think it will be good! Both sets of parents are coming as well as our good friends. I am also planning on cooking a traditional Sunday dinner...so I need to get my house in order.
it has been very frustrating not being moblie...you sit and you see how messy and cluttered my house is. I am motivated to get to work cleaning and decluttering.
It's kinda like our innerselves! We can get so busy working, doing "good" things, go go go that we don't take time to do things for ourselves and rest.....I think that some of us are scared to stop because then we will see our innerself and not want to deal with issues, our walls, our emotions etc etc. Yet it is so important to keep cleaning out the crap in our lives so that we can be free from the constant hurt, bitterness, guilt, etc. It is like our house..the more we keep cleaning it and decluttering the less time it will take to keep it clean and the more beautiful it is, there is more pride (good pride) in a clean house, then a messy house. If we just keep sweeping the issues, walls, emotions, guilts, fears under the carpet soon there will be a huge hump that we trip over all the time....but if we sweep it on put it in the garbage deal with it right away, we will see the smooth beautiful carpet. Wow we all deserve a beautiful house, and we all have a beutiful house (Body) that we live in...lets take care of it inside and out....lets ,make life easier, funner, less stressed. Lets work togther, partners, friends supporting each other with our homes and our lives....dealing with the dirt and crap, the clutter that seperates us from who we are in Christ! Are you with me?
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
I think it is funny that my last blog...I rushed to get in finished before Wed was over...yet now it's been almost a week since
i last blogged!!!
I am blogging now because.....I can't move.....I sprained my ankle today!! Not fun at all!
I was waiting for Trev so that we could go for a walk with the children, while I was waiting I started weeding one of my flower beds and I stepped in a pot hole and fell...not fun. The cute part was the children prayed for me as well as Shenelle was telling me about how when she broke she just jumped on one leg....so cute, even though she has never brokken her leg before!!! And Daphne started checking my forhead as if I had a fever...again so cute!! I am so blessed!
I think that God is trying to tell me to slow down, and not be so busy!!
This last week, our youth worship service was amazing!! God just moved! The guys were amazing....it was so cool!! This Sunday we are taking the morning service so I hope and Pray that God will let loose again!! I will let you know how it goes!!
So we also are off on holidays in 11 days!! So excited!!
Be Blessed!!
i last blogged!!!
I am blogging now because.....I can't move.....I sprained my ankle today!! Not fun at all!
I was waiting for Trev so that we could go for a walk with the children, while I was waiting I started weeding one of my flower beds and I stepped in a pot hole and fell...not fun. The cute part was the children prayed for me as well as Shenelle was telling me about how when she broke she just jumped on one leg....so cute, even though she has never brokken her leg before!!! And Daphne started checking my forhead as if I had a fever...again so cute!! I am so blessed!
I think that God is trying to tell me to slow down, and not be so busy!!
This last week, our youth worship service was amazing!! God just moved! The guys were amazing....it was so cool!! This Sunday we are taking the morning service so I hope and Pray that God will let loose again!! I will let you know how it goes!!
So we also are off on holidays in 11 days!! So excited!!
Be Blessed!!
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Just a few mins before midnight
I have minutes to get my Wed blog in!! This week has been a great week! We have spent 13 hours already this week working with our youth ministry.....we are having our first worship service this week. I am really believing God to come and whoosh down on us. I dreamt that The place was packed and that God just moved! That is my prayer that God would make Himself real and that He will lead the night, anoint the boys as they lead us in worship. Father let it rain down on us as we worship you! Father I pray for freedom to worship, a freedom like never before, Father may this be a life changing nite!!
Yep we are quite excited!!
Anyhow have a great night
Be blessed and remember to worship the Lord in the good, the bad, the stressful, the fun,
Phillipians says whatever is pure, what ever is good etc..think on these things
it also says When you are weak He is strong....rest in HIs strong arms today!
Yep we are quite excited!!
Anyhow have a great night
Be blessed and remember to worship the Lord in the good, the bad, the stressful, the fun,
Phillipians says whatever is pure, what ever is good etc..think on these things
it also says When you are weak He is strong....rest in HIs strong arms today!
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Church Politics and freedom
Last night Trev and I went out with a couple of our youth! What a great time we had talking about worship, vision, etc. We came away so blessed! These youth have so much to give, so much wisdom, even insight on who God is to them. We were so encouraged! It grieves me when adults think youth are just youth, They are so much more! There is so much more to them then what we think. Adults don't give teens enough credit. If you know some youth..then I encourage you go hang out with them, get to know them, you will be so blessed!
It was intresting because we started talking about Church politics and you know I found this verse about politics....which is silly, but unfortunatly every church has them. I thought it was intresting to read what we said last night.
Galatians 2:
17-18Have some of you noticed that we are not yet perfect? (No great surprise, right?) And are you ready to make the accusation that since people like me, who go through Christ in order to get things right with God, aren't perfectly virtuous, Christ must therefore be an accessory to sin? The accusation is frivolous. If I was "trying to be good," I would be rebuilding the same old barn that I tore down. I would be acting as a charlatan.
19-21What actually took place is this: I tried keeping rules and working my head off to please God, and it didn't work. So I quit being a "law man" so that I could be God's man. Christ's life showed me how, and enabled me to do it. I identified myself completely with him. Indeed, I have been crucified with Christ. My ego is no longer central. It is no longer important that I appear righteous before you or have your good opinion, and I am no longer driven to impress God. Christ lives in me. The life you see me living is not "mine," but it is lived by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. I am not going to go back on that.
Is it not clear to you that to go back to that old rule-keeping, peer-pleasing religion would be an abandonment of everything personal and free in my relationship with God? I refuse to do that, to repudiate God's grace. If a living relationship with God could come by rule-keeping, then Christ died unnecessarily.
What amazing words.....what freeing words!!...
God is good, and He is so encouraging!
Be free today to be Who God has created you to be!!!
It was intresting because we started talking about Church politics and you know I found this verse about politics....which is silly, but unfortunatly every church has them. I thought it was intresting to read what we said last night.
Galatians 2:
17-18Have some of you noticed that we are not yet perfect? (No great surprise, right?) And are you ready to make the accusation that since people like me, who go through Christ in order to get things right with God, aren't perfectly virtuous, Christ must therefore be an accessory to sin? The accusation is frivolous. If I was "trying to be good," I would be rebuilding the same old barn that I tore down. I would be acting as a charlatan.
19-21What actually took place is this: I tried keeping rules and working my head off to please God, and it didn't work. So I quit being a "law man" so that I could be God's man. Christ's life showed me how, and enabled me to do it. I identified myself completely with him. Indeed, I have been crucified with Christ. My ego is no longer central. It is no longer important that I appear righteous before you or have your good opinion, and I am no longer driven to impress God. Christ lives in me. The life you see me living is not "mine," but it is lived by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. I am not going to go back on that.
Is it not clear to you that to go back to that old rule-keeping, peer-pleasing religion would be an abandonment of everything personal and free in my relationship with God? I refuse to do that, to repudiate God's grace. If a living relationship with God could come by rule-keeping, then Christ died unnecessarily.
What amazing words.....what freeing words!!...
God is good, and He is so encouraging!
Be free today to be Who God has created you to be!!!
Monday, February 26, 2007
Worship, praise, sing, change
Well I have one child crying, another asking questions, another sulking! .......yes I have a sound mind....yes I have peace. I will worship through this,
Your strength is all I need...
I have a sound mind...I am disciplined!
This is a new week...I am starting a new discipline..... having a sound mind, life.
Lately I have been feeling like I am losing it especially when it comes to the children! The bantering, the winning, the presence, the responsibilities.
At the youth retreat the Speaker said when life is hard, not going right, when you are under attack, when you can't seem to kick whatever is bothering you....what should you do? WORSHIP!
Worship the Lord, sing, praise,
Keep worshiping despite how you feel...even if all you sing is "You are Holy" It will lift your spirit, change your perspective, calm you, give you peace,
Worship, sing, praise,........worship, sing, praise........worship sing praise...don't let your self think there is no hope.....look to God.....He holds you in His arms, rocking you, protecting you....
Like the song Rock a by baby.....when the winds blow, when the cradle rocks, even when the bough breaks,.....your Daddy will catch you!!!
Your strength is all I need...
I have a sound mind...I am disciplined!
This is a new week...I am starting a new discipline..... having a sound mind, life.
Lately I have been feeling like I am losing it especially when it comes to the children! The bantering, the winning, the presence, the responsibilities.
At the youth retreat the Speaker said when life is hard, not going right, when you are under attack, when you can't seem to kick whatever is bothering you....what should you do? WORSHIP!
Worship the Lord, sing, praise,
Keep worshiping despite how you feel...even if all you sing is "You are Holy" It will lift your spirit, change your perspective, calm you, give you peace,
Worship, sing, praise,........worship, sing, praise........worship sing praise...don't let your self think there is no hope.....look to God.....He holds you in His arms, rocking you, protecting you....
Like the song Rock a by baby.....when the winds blow, when the cradle rocks, even when the bough breaks,.....your Daddy will catch you!!!
Friday, February 23, 2007
No Matter what
so if any one is intrested i didn't play the piaon last night, well I did but not for worship! It worked out really well! Our speaker talked about How God has adopted us...this is so true. God's love is so amazing!! That He loves us no matter what we have ever said or done, no mstter what our past was, no matter what!! He love us.....Last night i just felt so overwlmed by His love and blessing! I cannot even fathom how much God love s me! It is mind boggling! If we can even grasp a small measure of His love, we aren't even close to the abubdance of unconditional love. When we see God as our Father who has adopted us...wow our lives are changed....how can they not be? We all are searching for someone to love us despite our faults, attitudes, streeses, past, etc...no matter what and here God is handing out the love we have always wanted ....will you choose to accept it as real today? Everyday? It's comes back to our choice!! My favroite word....choice.... No matter what....God love you! Be blessed today!
Thursday, February 22, 2007
to work or not to work....
That is the question of the day? I have the phone right now.......it's a bit of work to sort through the disorganization.....Trev is stressed out ...When I had the phone i was stressed yet Trev wasn't our schedule ran smoothly, our lives ran smoothly...now it seems more disrupted....I don't know what to do? Do I work and homeschool? I am at a loss..what is important? I could not homeschool....and focus on working, youth etc....or do I homeschool and work, and youth, or just youth and home school......so yeah that's how my day is going........Lord Help!!
Yep and tonight I have Ladies night...I am playing the piano, I have been praticsing so hopefully I will do ok...Ill let you know.. Hope you all have a great day!!
Yep and tonight I have Ladies night...I am playing the piano, I have been praticsing so hopefully I will do ok...Ill let you know.. Hope you all have a great day!!
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
All over the place
This is a week of friends...right now I am listening to the children have a snack and talk with their friend who is over.....it is quite humerous to listen to them ...they are talking about birds. Children can bring us so much joy!! I am so blessed to be a mom! It can be stressful at times, yet I believe those times don't outweigh the amazing times!! It is the same with marriage too! So I ve come to realise once again....life is about choice! Every thing we do or say or think is a choice whether conciously or subconsciously choose! I believe that we have the power to control our choices.....it is taking control of our thoughts, feelings, and words.
It is so easy for us to say negative words......on Saturday night at the Date nite I had the couples read 1 Cor 13, but where love was to put their own name.
Love never gives up. Vangie never gives up
Love cares more for others than for self. Vangie cares more for others than for self
Love doesn't want what it doesn't have. Vangie doesn't want what it doesn't have
Love doesn't strut, Vangie doesn't strut
Doesn't have a swelled head, Vangie doesn't have a swelled head
Doesn't force itself on others, Vangie doesn't force herself on others
Isn't always "me first," Vangie isn't always me first
Doesn't fly off the handle, Vangie doesn't fly off the handle
Doesn't keep score of the sins of others, Vangie doesn't keep score of the sins of others
Doesn't revel when others grovel, Vangie doesn't revel when others grovel
Takes pleasure in the flowering of truth, Vangie takes pleasure in the flowering of truth
Puts up with anything, Vangie puts up with anything
Trusts God always, Vangie trusts God always
Always looks for the best, Vangie always looks for the best
Never looks back, Vangie never looks back, but keeps going to the end
But keeps going to the end.
So these are stong words...always looking for the best.....how many of us do that .....it says ALWAYS not sometimes!! The one I heard the most on Sat was ......"I always fly off the handle" .....I was kinda blown away. not that these people fly off the handle...we all do that....trust me I am a pro.......but I was blown away by the confession made.......our words are powerful......if we say we fly off the handle all the time.....then you know what we will.....negative confession! But if we were to say "I will not fly off the handle today....I will be calm, peaceful, and relaxed" or even better say....I AM PEACEFUL! I AM CALM! I AM RELAXED!
So I am totally talking to myself here..... I need to be aware of my words....are they building myself and others up or are they tearing myself and others down. Are the postive or negative?
I challenge you today and myself too..to watch what we say......lets CHOOSE to build up....be positive..and turn our habits of speaking what we think is truth (I can'ts, I am's that are negative) and start speaking what God says, lets honor ourselves and walk in confidence of who we are in HIM! Ask the Holy Spirit to make you aware of the words you say....when you become aware then you can choose to change your words to be words of life..not death!
You don't have to fly off the handle!
You don't have to be stressed Remember God doesn't let you go through anything you can't handle...but you gotta turn to Him, ask for help!... worship him! SIng, praise, talk to Him! TRUST HIM!!
Choose your words today carefully ...lets build ourselves up, lets take control!!
It is so easy for us to say negative words......on Saturday night at the Date nite I had the couples read 1 Cor 13, but where love was to put their own name.
Love never gives up. Vangie never gives up
Love cares more for others than for self. Vangie cares more for others than for self
Love doesn't want what it doesn't have. Vangie doesn't want what it doesn't have
Love doesn't strut, Vangie doesn't strut
Doesn't have a swelled head, Vangie doesn't have a swelled head
Doesn't force itself on others, Vangie doesn't force herself on others
Isn't always "me first," Vangie isn't always me first
Doesn't fly off the handle, Vangie doesn't fly off the handle
Doesn't keep score of the sins of others, Vangie doesn't keep score of the sins of others
Doesn't revel when others grovel, Vangie doesn't revel when others grovel
Takes pleasure in the flowering of truth, Vangie takes pleasure in the flowering of truth
Puts up with anything, Vangie puts up with anything
Trusts God always, Vangie trusts God always
Always looks for the best, Vangie always looks for the best
Never looks back, Vangie never looks back, but keeps going to the end
But keeps going to the end.
So these are stong words...always looking for the best.....how many of us do that .....it says ALWAYS not sometimes!! The one I heard the most on Sat was ......"I always fly off the handle" .....I was kinda blown away. not that these people fly off the handle...we all do that....trust me I am a pro.......but I was blown away by the confession made.......our words are powerful......if we say we fly off the handle all the time.....then you know what we will.....negative confession! But if we were to say "I will not fly off the handle today....I will be calm, peaceful, and relaxed" or even better say....I AM PEACEFUL! I AM CALM! I AM RELAXED!
So I am totally talking to myself here..... I need to be aware of my words....are they building myself and others up or are they tearing myself and others down. Are the postive or negative?
I challenge you today and myself too..to watch what we say......lets CHOOSE to build up....be positive..and turn our habits of speaking what we think is truth (I can'ts, I am's that are negative) and start speaking what God says, lets honor ourselves and walk in confidence of who we are in HIM! Ask the Holy Spirit to make you aware of the words you say....when you become aware then you can choose to change your words to be words of life..not death!
You don't have to fly off the handle!
You don't have to be stressed Remember God doesn't let you go through anything you can't handle...but you gotta turn to Him, ask for help!... worship him! SIng, praise, talk to Him! TRUST HIM!!
Choose your words today carefully ...lets build ourselves up, lets take control!!
Monday, February 19, 2007
busy weekend
Wow I do not remember when I had such a busy go go go weekend. It was fun but busy!! We had our Bible School course, then we had youth, where we planned and set up for our Date nite whuch was on Saturday night, as well as Church, and then another Bible school course, since we can't be there next Thursday. To top the weekend off, we decided to relax and watch a movie, but the movie ended up being a tense movie!!!! Needless to say this morning it is hard to get going!!
This is where I am so glad to be homeschooling. The Children just got up and started their work,,,no one had to rush out of the house...it is so much more relaxing!!
So our Date nite was a success!! It was so fun to watch couples be romantic....relaxed? It was alot of work, but well worth it!!
However the seasonal me...is so glad it is over!! Now I can relax untill the next idea comes along!!!!
I guess the next ideas are our mini retreats coming up! That will be fun to plan!!!
Well have a blessed week!
This is where I am so glad to be homeschooling. The Children just got up and started their work,,,no one had to rush out of the house...it is so much more relaxing!!
So our Date nite was a success!! It was so fun to watch couples be romantic....relaxed? It was alot of work, but well worth it!!
However the seasonal me...is so glad it is over!! Now I can relax untill the next idea comes along!!!!
I guess the next ideas are our mini retreats coming up! That will be fun to plan!!!
Well have a blessed week!
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Thursday, February 8, 2007
Trust & Faith
It is funny how every where I go people are talking about Faith and Trust. My sister in law's blog talks about it, my friends are walking out in faith and trusting God to catch them..
Well that' where I am today....I am trying to quit my job...which means less income for us. Trevor is also trying to cut back on work so that we can focus more on what we believe God has given us a passion for. In saying all this....it is a step of faith! We are trusting God to catch us as we jump off the known into the unknown. We are taking one day a week to focus on the youth. We are getting a office set up at church and want to take time away from home to focus, pray,plan,and hang out with the youth.
The children are going to be taken care of and we can just focus. We are starting one day a week with the goal to eventually do two days! This means not working , but it also means God can work!! We are believeing HIm to provide all our needs as we step out in to this new season of ministry. I am quiting my job to focus on homeschooling and youth. It very hard being so busy you can not focus on anything.
So Trust and Faith...believing that He will be fatihful in what he says he will do!!
We have jumped and we know that God will catch us and carry us where He wants us to go.
Well that' where I am today....I am trying to quit my job...which means less income for us. Trevor is also trying to cut back on work so that we can focus more on what we believe God has given us a passion for. In saying all this....it is a step of faith! We are trusting God to catch us as we jump off the known into the unknown. We are taking one day a week to focus on the youth. We are getting a office set up at church and want to take time away from home to focus, pray,plan,and hang out with the youth.
The children are going to be taken care of and we can just focus. We are starting one day a week with the goal to eventually do two days! This means not working , but it also means God can work!! We are believeing HIm to provide all our needs as we step out in to this new season of ministry. I am quiting my job to focus on homeschooling and youth. It very hard being so busy you can not focus on anything.
So Trust and Faith...believing that He will be fatihful in what he says he will do!!
We have jumped and we know that God will catch us and carry us where He wants us to go.
Wednesday, February 7, 2007
self-discipline and its affects
I have really been aware of the lack of discipline in all areas of my life....however this is changing. I am Self-Discipline in all areas of my life! Yesterday I wrote about choices.....and yesterday I chose to do laundry, I washed the load, I dryed the load and here comes the amazing part...a great breakthrough regarding discipline......I folded the laundry and put it away!!! Right away!!! It was amazing feeling..I was very proud of myself. Before Either the laundry would sit crumpled untill I needed the clothes again, or it would get folded then sit untill I needed the clothes again! Ok next step to freedom is doing it again today! Choices! Everyday thinking before I do.
We also noticed how our lack of self discipline has been an example to our children.....so they have learnt lack of self discipline. Hopefully it will be easier to change because they only have 4-7 years no self discipline where I have had over 30 years!!! So mynew challenge today is being an example with my children,. saying sorry, and asking forgivingness, and then teaching them good habits especially be example! Father I thank you for your grace,,,,it is abounding and always there when I need it!! Father continue to teach me about discipline and how to accomplish goals.
I had another thought about lack of self -discipline.......I think a cause of lack of self- discipline could be self - hatred? or Self-esteem? If we don't love ourselves then why would we take care of our selves, or any part of ourselves.
Proverbs 25: 28
A person without self-control is like a house with its doors and windows knocked out. (Message)
Here without self control we have no sense of security, anything can get in a house without doors or windows, there is no protection, fear.....fear of buglars, fear of animals, fear of storms, fear of death, FEAR. Intresting isn't it? When we have self control or self discipline our house has doors and windows, we are protected from the outside unknowns!
If we have no doors or windows our house would look empty, deserted, unwanted, uncared for, incomplete, forgotten,
but with doors and windows...it looks amazing, safe, cared for, alive, beautiful....
I am imaging a beautiful house it is blue with white trim and a white picket fence. But somewhere along the life of this house it was blown up, the windows lay shattered on the ground, the doors have all been kicked in and are haniging by a broken hinge,,,,the house that once was so beautiful lay decaying in a mess.....yet
God sees this house and sees the beauty of it despite the rundown, broken house. God's spirit comes and breathes new life into the house, and bit by bit changes start to happen...He comes and picks up the front door, takes it , throws it away, and puts up a brand new solid door, then he goes to each window and door and does the same thing....untill the house is beautiful, new, complete.
wow Our Heavenly Father is amazing....Thank you Lord for your love, mercy and grace, for never letting us go! For changing us inside and out! I love you Lord!
So here is a very true verse ..that I think is funny! and taches us about self- discipline....a good lesson for me to learn !!!
Proverbs 25 ; 16
When you're given a box of candy, don't gulp it all down;
eat too much chocolate and you'll make yourself sick;
This next verse I thougt really pertained to fear...we can get so caught up in ourselves and our fear that we stay in our in our broken house....we never leave and we stay we fear, we worry, we fret, we are miserable...yet if we have a "Sound" Mind and trust our creator...then we are truly free to show, mirror God's amazing love and grace!
1 John 3: 18-20
My dear children, let's not just talk about love; let's practice real love. This is the only way we'll know we're living truly, living in God's reality. It's also the way to shut down debilitating self-criticism, even when there is something to it. For God is greater than our worried hearts and knows more about us than we do ourselves.
God is always knocking on our hearts, calling for us to see Him in a real light, to recognise his love, acceptance, grace, mercy, to accept Him. and we grasp the truth....then the Truth will set you Free! You will be given a new heart, a new joy, a new love, you will be complete!
Ezekiel 36-24
"'For here's what I'm going to do: I'm going to take you out of these countries, gather you from all over, and bring you back to your own land. I'll pour pure water over you and scrub you clean. I'll give you a new heart, put a new spirit in you. I'll remove the stone heart from your body and replace it with a heart that's God-willed, not self-willed. I'll put my Spirit in you and make it possible for you to do what I tell you and live by my commands. You'll once again live in the land I gave your ancestors. You'll be my people! I'll be your God!
Be encouraged to day.....know that you Father want to make you whole and give you a freedom you have never known before... Do you Trust Him today .....Are you willing to change? Be encouraged God's Grace, and love is more than sufficient!
Ask Him to reveal himself to you today!
Love you all!
We also noticed how our lack of self discipline has been an example to our children.....so they have learnt lack of self discipline. Hopefully it will be easier to change because they only have 4-7 years no self discipline where I have had over 30 years!!! So mynew challenge today is being an example with my children,. saying sorry, and asking forgivingness, and then teaching them good habits especially be example! Father I thank you for your grace,,,,it is abounding and always there when I need it!! Father continue to teach me about discipline and how to accomplish goals.
I had another thought about lack of self -discipline.......I think a cause of lack of self- discipline could be self - hatred? or Self-esteem? If we don't love ourselves then why would we take care of our selves, or any part of ourselves.
Proverbs 25: 28
A person without self-control is like a house with its doors and windows knocked out. (Message)
Here without self control we have no sense of security, anything can get in a house without doors or windows, there is no protection, fear.....fear of buglars, fear of animals, fear of storms, fear of death, FEAR. Intresting isn't it? When we have self control or self discipline our house has doors and windows, we are protected from the outside unknowns!
If we have no doors or windows our house would look empty, deserted, unwanted, uncared for, incomplete, forgotten,
but with doors and windows...it looks amazing, safe, cared for, alive, beautiful....
I am imaging a beautiful house it is blue with white trim and a white picket fence. But somewhere along the life of this house it was blown up, the windows lay shattered on the ground, the doors have all been kicked in and are haniging by a broken hinge,,,,the house that once was so beautiful lay decaying in a mess.....yet
God sees this house and sees the beauty of it despite the rundown, broken house. God's spirit comes and breathes new life into the house, and bit by bit changes start to happen...He comes and picks up the front door, takes it , throws it away, and puts up a brand new solid door, then he goes to each window and door and does the same thing....untill the house is beautiful, new, complete.
wow Our Heavenly Father is amazing....Thank you Lord for your love, mercy and grace, for never letting us go! For changing us inside and out! I love you Lord!
So here is a very true verse ..that I think is funny! and taches us about self- discipline....a good lesson for me to learn !!!
Proverbs 25 ; 16
When you're given a box of candy, don't gulp it all down;
eat too much chocolate and you'll make yourself sick;
This next verse I thougt really pertained to fear...we can get so caught up in ourselves and our fear that we stay in our in our broken house....we never leave and we stay we fear, we worry, we fret, we are miserable...yet if we have a "Sound" Mind and trust our creator...then we are truly free to show, mirror God's amazing love and grace!
1 John 3: 18-20
My dear children, let's not just talk about love; let's practice real love. This is the only way we'll know we're living truly, living in God's reality. It's also the way to shut down debilitating self-criticism, even when there is something to it. For God is greater than our worried hearts and knows more about us than we do ourselves.
God is always knocking on our hearts, calling for us to see Him in a real light, to recognise his love, acceptance, grace, mercy, to accept Him. and we grasp the truth....then the Truth will set you Free! You will be given a new heart, a new joy, a new love, you will be complete!
Ezekiel 36-24
"'For here's what I'm going to do: I'm going to take you out of these countries, gather you from all over, and bring you back to your own land. I'll pour pure water over you and scrub you clean. I'll give you a new heart, put a new spirit in you. I'll remove the stone heart from your body and replace it with a heart that's God-willed, not self-willed. I'll put my Spirit in you and make it possible for you to do what I tell you and live by my commands. You'll once again live in the land I gave your ancestors. You'll be my people! I'll be your God!
Be encouraged to day.....know that you Father want to make you whole and give you a freedom you have never known before... Do you Trust Him today .....Are you willing to change? Be encouraged God's Grace, and love is more than sufficient!
Ask Him to reveal himself to you today!
Love you all!
Tuesday, February 6, 2007
Good Morning !! So Discipline once again is my new word and theme. Yesterday I had a great discipline day....loved it, was encouraged, it felt good. Today so far I had to drag myself out of my bed......Trev has been up for a hour he has taken out all the garbage, all the recyling, put laundry on, made me tea....while I am still dragging.....well it feels like dragging. Anyhow I was wondering and pondering how does one get disciplined.....my answer.....it's a choice.
Darn...I was so hoping for instant change, like Mary Poppins says "a spoon full of sugar helps the discipline go away!!" How great life would be. But reality is ..... it's a choice. Yep a choice. Isn't it funny how so many things in our life is based on our choices. There are choices to have a good attitude or a bad attitude. We can choose joy in any circumstanses. We choice to listen to our thoughts or take on the mind of Christ! We choose to get out of bed and be happy or we can choose to get out of bed and be grumpy. Choices. Then there are choices that are everyday little things like what to wear, what to eat, what to listen to..... Good choices and bad choices. So discipline is a choice, a ongoing choice....every descision I make today will be etiher a disiplined choice or a lazy choice. It will be a positive choice or a negative choice.
So with discilpine in conection with fear....You have to choose to be discilpined and take control of you thoughts, your life.
So in saying all this I have a choice right now........
Today I am disciplined. Today I am choosing discilpine. Today I am choosing joy. Today I am walking in Grace. Today I am choosing peace. Today I am victorious!
Father God thank you for your discipline. Thank you for your joy! Thank you for you grace, peace. FAther thank you that you never give us anything we can not handle or deal with. Father you are awesome and I love you very much.
New challenge for everyone especially myself.......to choose discipline in ALL areas of my day ! Remember there is grace, but that's not an excuse to not keep going!! That's just a choice!
Be Blessed!
Darn...I was so hoping for instant change, like Mary Poppins says "a spoon full of sugar helps the discipline go away!!" How great life would be. But reality is ..... it's a choice. Yep a choice. Isn't it funny how so many things in our life is based on our choices. There are choices to have a good attitude or a bad attitude. We can choose joy in any circumstanses. We choice to listen to our thoughts or take on the mind of Christ! We choose to get out of bed and be happy or we can choose to get out of bed and be grumpy. Choices. Then there are choices that are everyday little things like what to wear, what to eat, what to listen to..... Good choices and bad choices. So discipline is a choice, a ongoing choice....every descision I make today will be etiher a disiplined choice or a lazy choice. It will be a positive choice or a negative choice.
So with discilpine in conection with fear....You have to choose to be discilpined and take control of you thoughts, your life.
So in saying all this I have a choice right now........
Today I am disciplined. Today I am choosing discilpine. Today I am choosing joy. Today I am walking in Grace. Today I am choosing peace. Today I am victorious!
Father God thank you for your discipline. Thank you for your joy! Thank you for you grace, peace. FAther thank you that you never give us anything we can not handle or deal with. Father you are awesome and I love you very much.
New challenge for everyone especially myself.......to choose discipline in ALL areas of my day ! Remember there is grace, but that's not an excuse to not keep going!! That's just a choice!
Be Blessed!
Monday, February 5, 2007
My not so favorite word, yet becoming my favorite SELF-DISCIPLINE
Well last night was interesting , I was pondering journalling and crying....me crying it is a rarity. However I believe I was dealing with another level of fear. Which is funny because yesterday at church I was talking to my Pastor's wife and I was telling her about fear and at the end of the converstaion I said "I don't think I am done yet, so bring it on!" I didn't realize that it would be brought on that night though!! Well it came in full thrust. I am Victorious in it!! The neatest thing was that when I was talking to Laurel she started talking about 2 Timothy 1: 7
2 Timothy 1:7 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
she said do you know that a sound mind means self-discipline?
I was like ok! Whatever yeah it could make sense I guess you have to have discipline o take control of your thoughts etc.
anyhow last night during this little "thing" I was going through I told Trev what Laurel said. Even He didn't think it meant discipline. So we looked it up and guess what!!!! The only translation that says a sound mind is the King James. All the other translations and the concordance says discipline!!
Can you believe it..... what a word to be....the word I dread the most DISCIPLINE!!
Discipline means: to bring to a state of order and obedience by training and control. Training expected to produce a specific character or pattern of behavior, especially training that produces moral or mental improvement.
There isn't just one area of my life that needs discipline...it is in every area!! Trev and I where talking last night and realizing that there is not one area of our life that has any discipline. We wake up when we want to, we work out whenever we want to, we eat whatever we want to, we ignore the messy room, we ignore then messy life....wondering why it isn't improving no matter what we do.
Last night we also read some guys blog about self discipline and he said that if you don't have discipline then you don't live in reality....with me that is true... I see what I want think oh I would really like to have this, or if only this would happen I would be better at this...... I sweep (of course not literattly because then that would mean cleaning) everything under the carpet hoping it goes away! Yet the more I do it the large the mound of ignorance grows and then I lose it freak out and do what it takes to remove the mound , then start all over. I don't remove the mound I just flatten it. I don't get to the core......
With Discipline....the mound would never grow out of control. The things in my life that are out of control would be easy and relaxing. I have alway said that when my house is clean I am at
peace. Wow never realized the meaning and truth behind those words.
So now what? I'm not sure, however today I did get up at 7:oo am , made tea and now have been blogging for the last hour. It is now 8:00 am Time to be disciplined and work out.
Father I pray for this new revelation...I ask that you would grant me grace and wisdom and the means to change y ways...to stop dreading discipline but embrace it as me. Father you are so amazing for revealing this to me....I ask that you would continue to clean me out from fear, from crap that is not of you. Freedom is what I long for.
SO mom if your reading this I know that you be saying..." Havent I been telling you this the last 33 years" Thanks ! It confirmation! I will let you all know how my journey to discipline goes.....feel free to ask me about it...to keep me accountable with it. Please!!
God is good....He is so faithful, and patient. when you say bring it on...watch out, because He does......its another step to freedom, another step closer to the promise land!!
2 Timothy 1:7 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
she said do you know that a sound mind means self-discipline?
I was like ok! Whatever yeah it could make sense I guess you have to have discipline o take control of your thoughts etc.
anyhow last night during this little "thing" I was going through I told Trev what Laurel said. Even He didn't think it meant discipline. So we looked it up and guess what!!!! The only translation that says a sound mind is the King James. All the other translations and the concordance says discipline!!
Can you believe it..... what a word to be....the word I dread the most DISCIPLINE!!
Discipline means: to bring to a state of order and obedience by training and control. Training expected to produce a specific character or pattern of behavior, especially training that produces moral or mental improvement.
There isn't just one area of my life that needs discipline...it is in every area!! Trev and I where talking last night and realizing that there is not one area of our life that has any discipline. We wake up when we want to, we work out whenever we want to, we eat whatever we want to, we ignore the messy room, we ignore then messy life....wondering why it isn't improving no matter what we do.
Last night we also read some guys blog about self discipline and he said that if you don't have discipline then you don't live in reality....with me that is true... I see what I want think oh I would really like to have this, or if only this would happen I would be better at this...... I sweep (of course not literattly because then that would mean cleaning) everything under the carpet hoping it goes away! Yet the more I do it the large the mound of ignorance grows and then I lose it freak out and do what it takes to remove the mound , then start all over. I don't remove the mound I just flatten it. I don't get to the core......
With Discipline....the mound would never grow out of control. The things in my life that are out of control would be easy and relaxing. I have alway said that when my house is clean I am at
peace. Wow never realized the meaning and truth behind those words.
So now what? I'm not sure, however today I did get up at 7:oo am , made tea and now have been blogging for the last hour. It is now 8:00 am Time to be disciplined and work out.
Father I pray for this new revelation...I ask that you would grant me grace and wisdom and the means to change y ways...to stop dreading discipline but embrace it as me. Father you are so amazing for revealing this to me....I ask that you would continue to clean me out from fear, from crap that is not of you. Freedom is what I long for.
SO mom if your reading this I know that you be saying..." Havent I been telling you this the last 33 years" Thanks ! It confirmation! I will let you all know how my journey to discipline goes.....feel free to ask me about it...to keep me accountable with it. Please!!
God is good....He is so faithful, and patient. when you say bring it on...watch out, because He does......its another step to freedom, another step closer to the promise land!!
Friday, February 2, 2007
So my parents are gone for three weeks.....now I have to get used to reality ..have to do my own laundry, have to cook all my meals, have to clean up after myself.......But I think what I will miss the most is going and talking about whatever to my friends....mom and dad. I do realize that I have to share!! They have gone to visit my brother and sister in law. So it's their turn to be blessed!!
So this last month Trevor and I have been working out 4 -5 x a week. We have been doing this exercise program we bought from a info- mercial at 2 am one day before Christmas. It has been going well.....but yesterday we decided to do something different........we went jogging!! Yes I went purposely jogging....I loved it ..it was so fun. We would jog a minute then walk a minute....., but oh am I sore today.....that was the hardest work out I have ever done.... I will do it again!! It was great!! I am getting slimmer and slimmer everyday!! Yep positive words I am speaking over myself!
The other crazy thing I did was , I started ripping up our lino in the kitchen........Now that I've started, I don't think I want to finish! It is a huge job!! Now I am not to sure what We are going to do?
I was thinking this morning that I am needing a change....my seasonal-ness is kicking in.....but I can't move.....what to do?
Well be blessed today...and keep positive in all things.....it's contagious, and helps others feel positive too.
So this last month Trevor and I have been working out 4 -5 x a week. We have been doing this exercise program we bought from a info- mercial at 2 am one day before Christmas. It has been going well.....but yesterday we decided to do something different........we went jogging!! Yes I went purposely jogging....I loved it ..it was so fun. We would jog a minute then walk a minute....., but oh am I sore today.....that was the hardest work out I have ever done.... I will do it again!! It was great!! I am getting slimmer and slimmer everyday!! Yep positive words I am speaking over myself!
The other crazy thing I did was , I started ripping up our lino in the kitchen........Now that I've started, I don't think I want to finish! It is a huge job!! Now I am not to sure what We are going to do?
I was thinking this morning that I am needing a change....my seasonal-ness is kicking in.....but I can't move.....what to do?
Well be blessed today...and keep positive in all things.....it's contagious, and helps others feel positive too.
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
TIME is it spent well?
what a couple of days I have had emotionally, stressful, with everything...home-schooling, work,house, etc I realize I have many roles I am trying to fill.....Wife, mother, teacher, friend,youth leader, church responsibilities, can-am worker. Each role has emotions, responsibilities, stresses, your brain feels like it is on constant super go. if you are not thinking about one thing you are thinking about one of the many other things. Simplify - is my word!! it means to make less complex, easier. when we stress our selves out with being so busy...who are the ones that suffer? Of course the most important...God...Spouse....Children.....even friends. What is wrong with this picture.....where is our priority? why are we suffering under our own abuse? Harsh words Abuse and suffering, but true words. except we are doing it to our selves no one else is making us be extremely busy .....life was made to be enjoyed. our spouse was given to us to enjoy, our children are a joy...if this isn't so.....you don't spend enough time with them!! SO many marriages, families are barely surviving because the two most important people in a marriage are to busy to make time for themsleves...to keep rekindling passion, romance, friendship......unless something awakes them...life for each one becomes a chore, Marriage is not a chore, it should never be a chore. Where is your focus? Are you too busy working, volunteering, going, stopping only to sleep. Did Jesus do that? Does he say go work your bones to the ground, the important things don't matter? No he took the time to visit the children, to visit he told us to love our spouse , to honor them , to raise our children to respect and honor. Do you really think that our children today have respect for their parents? I don't why...main reason we parents are too busy to really get to know our children for who they are becoming to be. We think we know them. but yet all we see is the house isn't clean...they haven't done their chores, they haven't done this or that...Nag nag nag. Yet they are crying out for acceptance, love despite whether the dishes are done, or their homework is done, or bed made , TIME - one on one time- family time.....time where you just focus on each other...I want to know you for who you are . Spouse I want to know you, I want to love you , I want to cherish you. With Time. I believe that God has given us amazing gifts in our spouse and children......each day is an amazing day, we are changing so quickly.....yet are you there? Do you really know your family or are you so busy running from one thing to another. God loves you so much.....He loves your family so much. He has grace for every situation. He knows all our needs, Can you trust HIm to take care of you and your family, Can you Trust Him to know how much He wants to know you....more time.....
Balance......yes we all need to work to pay the bills, but what about the rest....I am not saying it is bad to volunteer at church..I do it myself! It is not bad to do anything as long as the important things dont suffer for it! Don't let your families suffer for busi-mess....... Value the gifts God has given you! It is ok to say NO It is okay to take time off what ever you are doing on a regular basis to enjoy your family. I challenge you today to lay out your life, schedule before you...where is the dates with your spouse? Where are the dates with your children? Where is your date with God? Where is your dates with the family? Friends? ( Friends are an encouragement we all need) TIME TIME TIME who controls your time? Yes only you! What are you doing with your time? I bet that if you change your time.....if you start having dates with your spouse..you will start living in passion you never knew existed ! If you start spending time with your children..you will notice a change in their attitudes at home..you will be gaining their respect not forcing respect! Respect is given when it is earned...are you earning respect form your children? I know that amazing changes will happen when you put your priorites in place. Life will not be chore but a joy! Stress level will be alot less, happiness will be evident in all....and others who are so busy will want to know why are you so happy, satisfied, complete!! Take the time...nothing is as important as the one closest to you!
Balance......yes we all need to work to pay the bills, but what about the rest....I am not saying it is bad to volunteer at church..I do it myself! It is not bad to do anything as long as the important things dont suffer for it! Don't let your families suffer for busi-mess....... Value the gifts God has given you! It is ok to say NO It is okay to take time off what ever you are doing on a regular basis to enjoy your family. I challenge you today to lay out your life, schedule before you...where is the dates with your spouse? Where are the dates with your children? Where is your date with God? Where is your dates with the family? Friends? ( Friends are an encouragement we all need) TIME TIME TIME who controls your time? Yes only you! What are you doing with your time? I bet that if you change your time.....if you start having dates with your spouse..you will start living in passion you never knew existed ! If you start spending time with your children..you will notice a change in their attitudes at home..you will be gaining their respect not forcing respect! Respect is given when it is earned...are you earning respect form your children? I know that amazing changes will happen when you put your priorites in place. Life will not be chore but a joy! Stress level will be alot less, happiness will be evident in all....and others who are so busy will want to know why are you so happy, satisfied, complete!! Take the time...nothing is as important as the one closest to you!
Monday, January 29, 2007
Friendship is one of the best gifts from GOD. whether it's friendship between husband and wife, or friendship between friends. True friends are rare and as my friends says a rarety that should always be cherished. I am so thankful for our best friends...we have been through alot togther , we even lived together and we are better friends for it, yet at the time you wouldn't of thought so. they have seen our ugly side yet they always see the beautuful side. They have always been there for us, and been a huge encoragement to us.
Why am I writing this.....I know how hard itis to build friendships, somedays I would rather stay home in my own cocoon. yet there are so many friendship starving, unique, people wanting true friendship. Some people are desperate for true friendship yet out of their desperation their walls are up scared that they would be rejected, not liked, that they are not worthy, they feel unloved, unwanted, sad, depressed, uncared for.
Have you ever felt this way? I have!
What is the answer? Jesus said love your neighbor as yourself... do you love yourself? True friendship is about love and trust. Jesus offers us true friendship..HE LOVES YOU AND TRUSTS YOU! Do you love HIM? Do you Trust HIM? He offers us unconditional love and trust. Can you accept it? When you can capture the amazing friendship Jesus wants to have with you..then we can really realize what true friendship is. Do you realize that Jesus already know the good, the bad, the ugly, He already know the deep hidden secrets we all have and He still Loves us and trust us. He is an amazing example of what a true friendship is. And when you come across a friendship that is so much like the true friendship that Jesus offers us then I believe you are truly blessed!
I am truely blessed not only am I blessed because of Jesus's friendship..I also have the most amazing best friend ...my husband...he knows the good, the bad, the ugly, the hidden secrets, and yet he loves me and trusts me ...thank you ! I am also so blessed by our best friends who show what true friendship is...they know the good, the bad, the ugly and the hidden secrets...yet they love nad trust us Thanks!
Father thank you for you unconditional love and trust, Thank you for your friendship! Thank you for placing people in my life to show me what true friendship is. Father give me a love for myself so that I may love my neighbors. help me to be free to build friendship with others and show them what true friendship is .Thank father for friends.
Have ana amzing day!
Love ya
Why am I writing this.....I know how hard itis to build friendships, somedays I would rather stay home in my own cocoon. yet there are so many friendship starving, unique, people wanting true friendship. Some people are desperate for true friendship yet out of their desperation their walls are up scared that they would be rejected, not liked, that they are not worthy, they feel unloved, unwanted, sad, depressed, uncared for.
Have you ever felt this way? I have!
What is the answer? Jesus said love your neighbor as yourself... do you love yourself? True friendship is about love and trust. Jesus offers us true friendship..HE LOVES YOU AND TRUSTS YOU! Do you love HIM? Do you Trust HIM? He offers us unconditional love and trust. Can you accept it? When you can capture the amazing friendship Jesus wants to have with you..then we can really realize what true friendship is. Do you realize that Jesus already know the good, the bad, the ugly, He already know the deep hidden secrets we all have and He still Loves us and trust us. He is an amazing example of what a true friendship is. And when you come across a friendship that is so much like the true friendship that Jesus offers us then I believe you are truly blessed!
I am truely blessed not only am I blessed because of Jesus's friendship..I also have the most amazing best friend ...my husband...he knows the good, the bad, the ugly, the hidden secrets, and yet he loves me and trusts me ...thank you ! I am also so blessed by our best friends who show what true friendship is...they know the good, the bad, the ugly and the hidden secrets...yet they love nad trust us Thanks!
Father thank you for you unconditional love and trust, Thank you for your friendship! Thank you for placing people in my life to show me what true friendship is. Father give me a love for myself so that I may love my neighbors. help me to be free to build friendship with others and show them what true friendship is .Thank father for friends.
Have ana amzing day!
Love ya
Sunday, January 28, 2007
beautiful sunshiny day
My favorite weather is the weather we are having right now. It is so beautiful, amazing, abit of a chill, perfect outside weather for a walk or sking, or something.
So I decided to dosomething different!! I dyed my hair blonde. I thought I would like to see how I would look blonde. However what I didn't realise is that the red streaks I had put in back in the fall woulnd't come out!! The hairdresser put straight bleach on it and it still didn't come out...so the result was blonde hair with red streaks. But bright red streaks!! It's funky!!! I was really disappointed in not being able to be all blonde, but oh well. The also straigten my hair which I decided that if my hair is straight it looks better. I will have to download the pictures for you all.
So today we didn't go to church. It's 10:30 and Trev is still in bed.....what a nice relaxing day!!
So Iam trying to figure out a new way of lifestyle. I love to shop, I love to relax, those things can stay the same, however I am trying to come up with a way to be more organised, have better eating habits,,,,,for example....if I don't plan what we are gonna eat for dinner, i forget to plan....then when it's dinner well we will just go out. Which is fun, but it does get quite expensive.
Maybe I should try one of those dinner planner things. My friend told me about them..you go and you pick out your dinners for the week or whatever and they give you the meals..you put it in your freezer and take them out when you want them. Also my house is so caotic right now...and I find I am not a peace when my house is a mess. Thar's my goal today to work on at least part of my house.
Anyhow I ve got alot of thoughts running through my head, my tea is gone and I think I am ready to start my day!!
Hope you all have a GREAT day!!
So I decided to dosomething different!! I dyed my hair blonde. I thought I would like to see how I would look blonde. However what I didn't realise is that the red streaks I had put in back in the fall woulnd't come out!! The hairdresser put straight bleach on it and it still didn't come out...so the result was blonde hair with red streaks. But bright red streaks!! It's funky!!! I was really disappointed in not being able to be all blonde, but oh well. The also straigten my hair which I decided that if my hair is straight it looks better. I will have to download the pictures for you all.
So today we didn't go to church. It's 10:30 and Trev is still in bed.....what a nice relaxing day!!
So Iam trying to figure out a new way of lifestyle. I love to shop, I love to relax, those things can stay the same, however I am trying to come up with a way to be more organised, have better eating habits,,,,,for example....if I don't plan what we are gonna eat for dinner, i forget to plan....then when it's dinner well we will just go out. Which is fun, but it does get quite expensive.
Maybe I should try one of those dinner planner things. My friend told me about them..you go and you pick out your dinners for the week or whatever and they give you the meals..you put it in your freezer and take them out when you want them. Also my house is so caotic right now...and I find I am not a peace when my house is a mess. Thar's my goal today to work on at least part of my house.
Anyhow I ve got alot of thoughts running through my head, my tea is gone and I think I am ready to start my day!!
Hope you all have a GREAT day!!
Thursday, January 25, 2007
wow blogging a blah day!
,Have you ever noticed how when you are so busy that's when you feel the most tired.
Our house is a mess and so unorganised. We have got all this new stuff to help us organise yet we havent made the time to organise it so it works with efficiency. It seems like I am in a never ending circle....
The hardest thing about homeschooling is that I never get time for just me. Though if I had that time who knows what I would do? Maybe it is just the day I am having!! A blah day!! Why is it that we have a great day one day and then a blah day the next? I am a true believer in changing your attitude...and I know that I could change my attitude if I really want to, but yet sometimes I think that it is easier to be blah!
Well today has been a blah day, however ...blah ba blah ba blah...... Snap out of it I say!!! Choose joy!! Choose Life!!! Choose the mind of Christ!!
Put on the Mind of Christ.... Do you think Jesus ever had a blah day? If he was suppose to experience all that we have experinced then don't you think he had ablah day? Did you mellow in the blahness or did he snap out of it at the very first sign of a blah day?
What are the signs of a blah day?
wanting to be alone, quiet?
What are the signs of a great day?
wake up effortless?
wake up with a song?
ready to do whatever you need to do with a smile?
Why am I writing about all this? Maybe just to figure out my own feelings and emotions.
Just writing has made me feel better.
I am just in a werid mood! Maybe it's PMS or maybe it's just me. Whatever it is I know that just need some quiet time to reflect, to relax, to be free of stress, work, kids, etc
So I am going to go know and read a good book, relax, have a hotbath, and vege
To all having a blah day...remeber it's ok to have a blah day!!
To those of you having a great day.....enjoy it, share it with someone else...it is contagious!!!
Our house is a mess and so unorganised. We have got all this new stuff to help us organise yet we havent made the time to organise it so it works with efficiency. It seems like I am in a never ending circle....
The hardest thing about homeschooling is that I never get time for just me. Though if I had that time who knows what I would do? Maybe it is just the day I am having!! A blah day!! Why is it that we have a great day one day and then a blah day the next? I am a true believer in changing your attitude...and I know that I could change my attitude if I really want to, but yet sometimes I think that it is easier to be blah!
Well today has been a blah day, however ...blah ba blah ba blah...... Snap out of it I say!!! Choose joy!! Choose Life!!! Choose the mind of Christ!!
Put on the Mind of Christ.... Do you think Jesus ever had a blah day? If he was suppose to experience all that we have experinced then don't you think he had ablah day? Did you mellow in the blahness or did he snap out of it at the very first sign of a blah day?
What are the signs of a blah day?
wanting to be alone, quiet?
What are the signs of a great day?
wake up effortless?
wake up with a song?
ready to do whatever you need to do with a smile?
Why am I writing about all this? Maybe just to figure out my own feelings and emotions.
Just writing has made me feel better.
I am just in a werid mood! Maybe it's PMS or maybe it's just me. Whatever it is I know that just need some quiet time to reflect, to relax, to be free of stress, work, kids, etc
So I am going to go know and read a good book, relax, have a hotbath, and vege
To all having a blah day...remeber it's ok to have a blah day!!
To those of you having a great day.....enjoy it, share it with someone else...it is contagious!!!
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