Monday, February 5, 2007

My not so favorite word, yet becoming my favorite SELF-DISCIPLINE

Well last night was interesting , I was pondering journalling and crying it is a rarity. However I believe I was dealing with another level of fear. Which is funny because yesterday at church I was talking to my Pastor's wife and I was telling her about fear and at the end of the converstaion I said "I don't think I am done yet, so bring it on!" I didn't realize that it would be brought on that night though!! Well it came in full thrust. I am Victorious in it!! The neatest thing was that when I was talking to Laurel she started talking about 2 Timothy 1: 7
2 Timothy 1:7
For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
she said do you know that a sound mind means self-discipline?
I was like ok! Whatever yeah it could make sense I guess you have to have discipline o take control of your thoughts etc.
anyhow last night during this little "thing" I was going through I told Trev what Laurel said. Even He didn't think it meant discipline. So we looked it up and guess what!!!! The only translation that says a sound mind is the King James. All the other translations and the concordance says discipline!!
Can you believe it..... what a word to be....the word I dread the most DISCIPLINE!!

Discipline means: to bring to a state of order and obedience by training and control. Training expected to produce a specific character or pattern of behavior, especially training that produces moral or mental improvement.
There isn't just one area of my life that needs is in every area!! Trev and I where talking last night and realizing that there is not one area of our life that has any discipline. We wake up when we want to, we work out whenever we want to, we eat whatever we want to, we ignore the messy room, we ignore then messy life....wondering why it isn't improving no matter what we do.
Last night we also read some guys blog about self discipline and he said that if you don't have discipline then you don't live in reality....with me that is true... I see what I want think oh I would really like to have this, or if only this would happen I would be better at this...... I sweep (of course not literattly because then that would mean cleaning) everything under the carpet hoping it goes away! Yet the more I do it the large the mound of ignorance grows and then I lose it freak out and do what it takes to remove the mound , then start all over. I don't remove the mound I just flatten it. I don't get to the core......
With Discipline....the mound would never grow out of control. The things in my life that are out of control would be easy and relaxing. I have alway said that when my house is clean I am at
peace. Wow never realized the meaning and truth behind those words.

So now what? I'm not sure, however today I did get up at 7:oo am , made tea and now have been blogging for the last hour. It is now 8:00 am Time to be disciplined and work out.
Father I pray for this new revelation...I ask that you would grant me grace and wisdom and the means to change y stop dreading discipline but embrace it as me. Father you are so amazing for revealing this to me....I ask that you would continue to clean me out from fear, from crap that is not of you. Freedom is what I long for.
SO mom if your reading this I know that you be saying..." Havent I been telling you this the last 33 years" Thanks ! It confirmation! I will let you all know how my journey to discipline goes.....feel free to ask me about keep me accountable with it. Please!!
God is good....He is so faithful, and patient. when you say bring it out, because He does......its another step to freedom, another step closer to the promise land!!


Tony Quays said...

Hey Vangie,

I guess with self-discipline comes an end to PROCRASTINATION.... which is what I'm doing right now. I updated my ShoutLife page but still haven't read the 700 or so pages of a hydrogen course I'm to look over before I start my new job Friday.

Praise God! for 2 Timothy 1:7.

Love reading you!

Living the love of Christ one day at a time,

Tony Quays

The Journey to Home said...

Wow it's so cool to walk on parallel paths...I love it! You are amazing my friend. what you wrote was truth and you know what the Bible says about will set you free. Enjoy the freedom :) I know you will
walking with you, Tama

Anonymous said...

You are wonderful, Vangie. To see you become more like Him is sweet.


graceforyouth said...

It is not very often that one conversation ends up being a Karios moment for postive change ... but that is what has happend to us this week ... Yeah GOD .. bring on the postive change in our lives.

flowers for my kitchen

flowers for my kitchen
garden of life

Total Worship

Total Worship
I loveTrev's Passion


Solid Rock...Dad






Garden of


Exquiste painting...MJ


Mary's worship

Our Aglow Team

Our Aglow Team
Unity was abundant

Mom and Me

Mom and Me
Singing togther for the 1 x so Fun!!

My Boys

My Boys
Love you guys

Shenelle and Me

Shenelle and Me
My Sunshine

Some of My Grace Girls

Some of My Grace Girls
Maycee, Joss, Courtney,& Me

Justice and Me

Justice and Me
My Amazing Boy

Daphne and Me

Daphne and Me
Daphne my Beauty

Me and my Mom

Me and my Mom
love you Mom


God wants to set you free

Freedom # 2

Freedom  # 2
you can have freedom two

Let it Go

Let it Go
Trust Him

Living Waters

Living Waters

Beauty & The Beholder

Beauty  & The Beholder
Jesus thinks you are beautiful

Beauty & Beloved

Beauty & Beloved
My first paintings


I Think your Beautiful

One Day

One Day



Inner Peace

Inner Peace