Wednesday, April 11, 2007


So this week I have decided to take a sabatical. I have put aside all obligations, I have gotten up early and spent time with God. It's been great! God has met me! I don't know how long I am on this sabatical but It has been so needed!
Monday I ask the Lord for wisdom with schooling and I wanted to know with out a shadow of a doubt what we are to do, I also wanted the children and Trevor to know as well. So I told the children to pray and ask Jesus what school He wants them to go to. I gave them a list of five options that we had felt, I showed them the websites and sent them on their quiet time. Shenelle was the first and she walked into the kitchen and said "I want to go to Heather's school" I said I asked "Why?" She said "Because that is where Jesus told me to go!" It was very matter of a fact...
then Justice came in and said he want to go to "Christian School" I said "which Christian school". (because there was 2 to choose from) He said "Alex's school" (which is same school as Shenelle). Then Daphne came in and said "Heather's School"

I was so excited but I didn't think the answer would be THAT least it could of been the cheaper school!! But as I thought about it I totally felt that it was the right school. Trevor even came home and without knowing the childrens answer said, "it was ok to send them to Christian school" It was a wild day!

So today we are going on a tour of the school! Kindergarten is 2 full days and everyone has 1/2 days Fridays. I totally know that God will provide where He sends!

Yesterday in my quiet time I felt to read Ecclesiates and I read in the side part of my bible and the comentary said.this: "God expects us to be disciplined. It is not a UN Natural, but the natural thing to be! Mow the lawn, clean up your house, or enjoy a hobby in order to please God"

It was so freeing to me that DISCIPLINE is Natural!


So today is day three of my sabaitcal. And today I have been seeking God about the little details as well as the big details. What do you require of me, of us? What do you want us to do with the house? Sell/ Keep? We are doing a huge reno in our kitchen, are we doing this to enjoy it or to sell it? Part of me doesn't want to know the answer right know!

So here is my scripture for today.....
Ecclesiates 3: 11
God has given us a desire to know the future. He does everthing just right and on time, but we (people) can never completely understand what He is doing!!

Well once again I am learning to trust God!!
And once again I am learning to listen and obey!
No matter what I in my humanness may think! It all comes down to one word, one word that my whole walk with God is founded BIG word.....


Be blessed today and seek HIm today....He will meet you where you are!

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