Sunday, October 14, 2007

thoughts for today

So I have been thinking alot about commitment. I know I am commited to Trevor and my family......they are amazing and I am so blessed.....but what am I committed to? I go to church, there is the kids school, there is friends, youth, .....alot of commitments. But what am I committed to?
Whenever issues come up do I stick around and solve thm or do I run away? Make up an excuse as to why I can not follow through with my commitment.

Well I am saying this now....I am committed to my church, friends, youth etc......

What is commitment?
1. the act of committing.
2. the state of being committed.
3. the act of committing, pledging, or engaging oneself.
4. a pledge or promise; obligation: We have made a commitment to pay our bills on time.
5. engagement; involvement: They have a sincere commitment to religion.

I am committed!

So this kinda goes along with letting my yes be yes!!

The other thing I have been thinking about is when I do something or not do something...I have been thinking..."What would Jesus do?" It really puts things in to for instance...I was in the grocery store the other day and I saw some one I knew and I didnt want to be seen becasue then I would have to talk to I tried to hide and skirted around them quickly.......but you know.....would Jesus have done that? What if I missed an opportunity to be a blessing?

It really is a deep thought...especially when you know you made the wrong descision or wrong action.

Another thought....

is .....the words I love you..... three of the most powerful words in the world...... we all long to hear these 3 simple words....we all want to believe in these three amazing words. These words bring peace, love, joy and happiness, but used wrongly the can kill, destroy, ruin a person. Do you know that we girls so long to hear the words I love you...especially from a father..... Fathers How often do you tell your children, your wife...I love you? These words can build confidence like we have never known or experienced!!
These are deep words........think about you use them for good? I gaurentee that if you are having a hard time with a relatonship with your father, husband,
teenager....start randomly saying I love you...even in the middle if tense fighting......I garauntee that you will see things change with in the broken relationships we all have.

Its a challenge to you......

Be blessed!

1 comment:

Faye said...

Hey, Just thought I'd say hi and that I've "found" you.
You've been tagged so drop by my Blog for details :)

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