Wednesday, December 6, 2006

My thoughts for the Aglow Night..Potter & The Clay

Has anyone ever done pottery?

I would love to, but I never have, however I have heard a bit about it.

I heard that it is messy, slimy, you get mud everywhere..Etc

But imagine with me…a potter taking a lump of clay

He starts to knead it, soften it and if it’s dry He’ll add some water. Then he turns on the pottery wheel, it starts spinning, the potter picks up the clay and he throws it at the wheel. He immediately starts to form the clay, molding it, his hands are so mucky, his clothes have splashes of mud, he adds more water as he begins the process off creating something unique and beautiful. After he has made his vessel, he then he bakes it at a hot temperature. Now he is ready to paint it, give it character, He carefully chooses the colors he wants, the design he wants. When he is done he then places it in the table to dry, once it has dried then takes it to his favorite place and puts it on display. He keeps looking at it in admiration. He picks it up and holds it he is so proud of His creation!! He looks at His creation and says

“You are beautiful”, “You are Cherished, “You are Faultless”

“You are amazing”

I was praying about tonight and I felt God wanted me to encourage you, to tell you that He is the Potter. He has made a gift and that gift is you.

Each of us started off being like that lump of clay, messed up, slimy, dirty, kinda yucky…at least that is what we thought.

But God our Father, knows better… Why Because He is the Potter…He knows what potential mucky clay makes.

Each of us is the clay and he has kneaded us, molded us, he has taken extreme care in forming the design, picking just the right colors, and features…

He has made us so unique, so beautiful, so amazing that there is no other like us.

I think it is the neatest thing that none of us are the same. We can’t compare ourselves with anyone else, because there is no else like me!!

Each one of us is unique and incomparable.

Each of us has been given a gift that no one else has!

We as ladies can compare ourselves to others so easily

Like when I met my husband Trev, I was at a youth retreat in Kamloops … and we were in the Balcony my friend who has long blonde hair, is thin, and very beautiful was with me…and she said

“ Vangie that guy over there keeps looking at you” I was like what ever, why would he be looking at me when youre here” The funny thing was he was looking at me and a year later we were married!!

I used to always compare my self to Marijanel… she got married before me, why did she get married before me and she is younger then me!!! And She is so talented, I can’t do anything!!

We all compare ourselves with someone else in some why or another.

My question is how can we compare ourselves when God or Father who loves us sees us as incomparable?

Look around you is there any one here who looks like you??

Every now and again we do come across someone who is so similar. My friend Heidi, we will be talking about different things and be like “ wow that’s what I like” We are so similar, we even like the same type of clothes, yet we are totally different people.

I now I have a twin, actually she is not my twin, but my niece …some of you might know her…Tania, who is Ruth’s daughter and I are so alike that we know what each other is thinking, feeling even before we say anything. It’s kinda scary!! She came to live with us for awhile and My husband got even scared!! We also can look alike…there was awhile when we both had long hair with the same type of curl. That when I sent my engagement picture to Ruth, she said: that everyone was asking if “Tania had a boyfriend”. One would think that we were sisters not Aunt and niece. We are the same in so many ways…yet we are completely different.

If God want you to be like Marijanel, or Barbie, or whomever…don’t you think He would of made you like them?

If God made us all the same, I think He would get so bored, and so would we.

God had made us so unique, incomparable,

He has made us all beautiful in different ways.

He sees each of you as a individual, as a beauty, as exquisite, amazing, faultless,

He wants each of you to know that he loves you, and He sees you…you are not invisible to him.

Max Lucado wrote once:

With God in your world, you aren’t an accident or a incident

You are a gift to the world, a divine work of art … signed by GOD

Do you believe it?

Do you know what the definition of the word believe is…

It means to have confidence in the truth, to suppose, assume, understand, it is also to accept as true or real, to have firm faith, confidence and trust.

DO you believe you are beautiful?

DO you believe that you are delightful?

How about enchanting?

Do you believe that you are a gift?

Psalm 139: 13-185

God your thoughts are so precious to me… they are so many! If I could count them, they would be more then ALL of the grains sand!

On your table you have a bowl of sand… lick the tip of your finger and dip it in the sand… now count how many grains of sand there are

Do you know how many grains of sand there are? Every ocean, every lake… I can’t even fathom how many grains there are!!

God has made each of us unique, incomparable, beautiful and tonight I just want you to know that God thinks you are amazing.

Have you ever thought about what amazing means?

Or what beautiful means…we all know what it means , but I love to find out the true meaning dictionary meaning?

I love the meanings of words…I get a new word and its definition e-mailed to me everyday!

So I was preparing for a ladies night at my church and I felt to talk about how God sees us and how he has made everyone so unique… so I started writing out different words that I felt God was saying….then I felt to look up the actual definition.

To night we felt that God want us to share with you how God sees you…

When I shared this with some of the ladies at my church, and I got everyone to pull out of a basket a word. Then we went around the room and each lady said “ God thinks I am…”

Anyhow there was an older lady there and she looked at her word, and her face lit up and she laughed and said with a huge smile, “God thinks I am Gorgeous!!” (which Means… dazzingly beautiful and magnificent)

There was also another lady who got the word “ Lovely” and she immediately stared shaking her head saying “ No Iam not lovely, I want a new one” Now she is so lovely ( which by the way means… charmingly, and exquisitely beautiful and delightful) I wouldn’t let her change words, because I believe that she need to hear that “God thinks she is lovely”

So tonight we have complied a list of words that we believe God thinks of you, we believe that each one of you will receive the word that God wants you to have.

As you open the envelope, I want you to say out loud

“God thinks I am …”

If you don’t think that you have received the right word for you, then I encourage you to say…

“God if this word is truly for me then reveal this word and how you feel to me”

He will because He loves you so much, He moulded you , made you exactly who you are and he thinks and knows that you truly are Beautiful Unique, exquisite, lovely etc, etc…


Anonymous said...

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Thanks, See You Around

Anonymous said...

Heya im new on here, I came upon this message board I have found It very useful and its helped me out so much. I hope to contribute and assist other people like its helped me.

Thanks, Catch You About.

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