Friday, December 29, 2006

Freedom to be who I am

Wow the weather has been so beautiful, my favorite...where it is sunny and cold. We went for a walk the other day and there are some pictures from it. We are so blessed to live near Como Lake park. We walk it quite often,,well when it's not raining.
So We are offically staying at our house! Yeah...we have been able to refinance our house and pay off some debt, lower expenses. Thank you God!! We are quite excited to stay and not move...which is strange for us since we have moved so much!

So I was set free this Christmas......I was set free from the view that I never finish anything that I start..... I realised that I am a "Seasonal" person
. Seasonal means...
pertaining to, dependent on, or accompanying the seasons of the year or some particular season; periodical: seasonal work.

An example of a sesonal person someone who plans one event and puts their heart an soul into the event, when the event is over they are relieved, excited that it is done ..then they move on to the next thing. Sesonal people are great starters, visionaries, but what we need to learn is that we need people beside us who are not seasonal and thrive in the long, term, so that we the sesonal people can give over what we started so that others can do it. Then the things that a sesonal person starts can continue to be all that it was made to be.
The sesonal person can have a tendencie to voutenteer for long term things, or have a hard time saying no when asked to do then they eventually feel stuck in a rut, or exhausted, dry, it becomes a chore . Now in saying all this the non sesonal person is completely opposite, which is good because if we were all seasonal nothing would ever be completed!! They love the long term , they love not starting new things, they thrive in the everyday hard work of their job, or calling.
Another words for seasonal is ...some people have wings, some people have roots!
For me I have been told many times.."You never stick with anything" or " you never finish what you started"
I was feeling down about it, guilty, not worthy, etc, but at Christmas I was talking with Marijanel and she said.."Vangie, you are a seasonal person" "It is who God has made you to be"
It is true... This is who God has made me to be... where does Guilt come from, or not worthiness come from? The enemy! No longer Am I going to allow the enemy to steal my joy and destiny... God has made me exactly who I am .....

Now every season is different, some are longer then others. But whether you are a person with wings (seasonal) or you are a person with roots (non seasonal) God gives you grace to do whatever He calls you to do. He also wants you to walk in confidence of Who you are IN HIM.
Be confident in who you are, know the your Heavenly Father loves you exactly as you are...You are worthy, You are guilt free, Walk in Freedom today knowing you are loved and be free in that love. Walk in Grace too!

love you all!

1 comment:

graceforyouth said...

It is so freeing to know that it is normal to be you and that is the way God has created you and me and that there is nothing wrong with that. I guess you could also say that a seasonal person is a visionary... or maybe like an apostle who starts things.

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