Friday, December 29, 2006

Freedom to be who I am

Wow the weather has been so beautiful, my favorite...where it is sunny and cold. We went for a walk the other day and there are some pictures from it. We are so blessed to live near Como Lake park. We walk it quite often,,well when it's not raining.
So We are offically staying at our house! Yeah...we have been able to refinance our house and pay off some debt, lower expenses. Thank you God!! We are quite excited to stay and not move...which is strange for us since we have moved so much!

So I was set free this Christmas......I was set free from the view that I never finish anything that I start..... I realised that I am a "Seasonal" person
. Seasonal means...
pertaining to, dependent on, or accompanying the seasons of the year or some particular season; periodical: seasonal work.

An example of a sesonal person someone who plans one event and puts their heart an soul into the event, when the event is over they are relieved, excited that it is done ..then they move on to the next thing. Sesonal people are great starters, visionaries, but what we need to learn is that we need people beside us who are not seasonal and thrive in the long, term, so that we the sesonal people can give over what we started so that others can do it. Then the things that a sesonal person starts can continue to be all that it was made to be.
The sesonal person can have a tendencie to voutenteer for long term things, or have a hard time saying no when asked to do then they eventually feel stuck in a rut, or exhausted, dry, it becomes a chore . Now in saying all this the non sesonal person is completely opposite, which is good because if we were all seasonal nothing would ever be completed!! They love the long term , they love not starting new things, they thrive in the everyday hard work of their job, or calling.
Another words for seasonal is ...some people have wings, some people have roots!
For me I have been told many times.."You never stick with anything" or " you never finish what you started"
I was feeling down about it, guilty, not worthy, etc, but at Christmas I was talking with Marijanel and she said.."Vangie, you are a seasonal person" "It is who God has made you to be"
It is true... This is who God has made me to be... where does Guilt come from, or not worthiness come from? The enemy! No longer Am I going to allow the enemy to steal my joy and destiny... God has made me exactly who I am .....

Now every season is different, some are longer then others. But whether you are a person with wings (seasonal) or you are a person with roots (non seasonal) God gives you grace to do whatever He calls you to do. He also wants you to walk in confidence of Who you are IN HIM.
Be confident in who you are, know the your Heavenly Father loves you exactly as you are...You are worthy, You are guilt free, Walk in Freedom today knowing you are loved and be free in that love. Walk in Grace too!

love you all!

Thursday, December 28, 2006


This picture was created by my Sister in law..Marijanel. She took these pictures over Christmas and photo shoped them together.
Thanks's awesome!!

I love this picture...I think that Trevor is a true worshipper...he doesn't care what others think..he just loves God.
I want to be more free in my worsdhip, I love to dance, sing, worship..
Well I am so blessed and encouraged by Trevor...I love youi Trev!!

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

New Paintings

So I have posted my latest paintings from our blessing we did as a family on Christmas Eve!
This boxing day was busy but good...we had Trevor's Brother and family here for waffles, then we went to friends from Church for a time , then went to another friends for good to fellowship, yet I am also so glasd to be home and be quiet.

I love to just sit with my tea and go over the events of the last few days. This Christmas was the best Christmas ever...I was so blessed by my family.
I talked alot with my sister in law about was so good to actually talk together about it, to be honest, and to be encouraged , we also took some time to pray and I was so encouraged....
I don't think we take enough time to pray for one another. We are so caught up in our own busyness that we tend not to bother, but it is so encouraging to pray together, as friends, as family, and as husband and wife.
So I encourage you to to take some time to pray with someone, not only will you be blessed, but they will be blessed to!!

Love you all!!

Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas

Wow today is Christmas...all the work and planning of the last few weeks in now coming into play...its kinda like a plan and plan for the big event...then you breathe, relax, rest sit, and enjoy the memories!!

I love planning gifts for people and food...which we all over eat!!

Yesterday we started a new tradition......we are calling it "The Blessing"

Wow it was amazing...... My sister in law had the idea that we should all ask God for a word of encouragemen t for each first I was overwelmed, but then I decided that it was a great idea. So last night there was 11 of us and it was amzing!! Everyone had a word and it all flowed togther. Marijanel made everyone a magnet with our names an da scripture that God had given here for each one, Steve and Trevor gave prohetic words,Mom and Dad gave words regarding the meanin gof our names, I painted pictures for everyone, and the children put togther two dances.
it was amazing...God was so there speaking to each one of us.. it truly was a blessing!!

So far today we haven't even made a dent in the christmas presents. I am so amazed and thankful at God's provision this Christmas.. He is so faithful.
It has been so great being with family too, I feel like we have gone deeper in our relationships with each other! Christmas is such a great time of celebration of our blessing from our Heavenly Father...Blessings of family, life, love, peace, giving, and friendship.

Thank you Father for givign us the greatest gift of all and that is freedom , love, peace...which is You! I love you Lord!
To every one I hope and pray that you have the best Christmas ever and that you would really sense God's love and presence so strongly today!

Love you all!

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Christmas season

It's hard to believe that one of our most anticipated holidays is just around the corner. Christmas is such an amazing seems to be a time when almost everyone is happy, there is love, there is a sense of caring, of family, of excitement.
So often we can get caught up in the excitement that we can tend to forget the real reason of why we celebrate Christmas.. It's not just celebrating Jesus birth, but I believe it is celebrating every aspect of Christ....mainly HiIs never ending, unconditional love for us. We celebrate our freedom, our hope, our peace....
Christmas time can also be a time of stress..financially, or emotionally, but I encourage you today to keep focusing on HIM who loves us, cast your burdens and concerns on him, let Him carry you through this season...and look for the little things He wants to encourage you with today.

God takes cares of us like a Shepherd. He gathers each lamb in his arms and carries them close to His Heart.
Isaiah 40:11

Monday, December 11, 2006


Yes so the Aglow night went well....
It's funny since we have been back ..I have been fighting my thoughts and comparing myself...doing exactly what I said we shouldn't do, since God doesn't compare us!! But yet God has been quick to remind me of who I am in Him. God is so faithful!

So Marijanel danced a beautiful dance on Thursday night, and part of it was talking about the layers we have...which totally coincides with "Walls" I have decided that layers is abetter word then walls.
So I will write later about walls...opps layers
Layers remind me also of a rose, if you peel the rose petals, it actually is the center that smells so beautiful!!
Or a onion.....when you peel the layers of a onion away, your eyes can burn from the nasty onion scent, but by peeling the layers you get to the best part of the onion, the moist part , and the part with the most flavour!
When we peel our layers away, the center is our core , who we really are, and who God has truly made us to be!! It's the beautiful part, the confident part. There is complete freedon from all the layers.
Father God peel my layers away, set me free from my hurts, my fears, my thoughts that aren't from you. Father I long to be the person you have created me to be. Free in confidence of who I am in YOU!

Wednesday, December 6, 2006

My thoughts for the Aglow Night..Potter & The Clay

Has anyone ever done pottery?

I would love to, but I never have, however I have heard a bit about it.

I heard that it is messy, slimy, you get mud everywhere..Etc

But imagine with me…a potter taking a lump of clay

He starts to knead it, soften it and if it’s dry He’ll add some water. Then he turns on the pottery wheel, it starts spinning, the potter picks up the clay and he throws it at the wheel. He immediately starts to form the clay, molding it, his hands are so mucky, his clothes have splashes of mud, he adds more water as he begins the process off creating something unique and beautiful. After he has made his vessel, he then he bakes it at a hot temperature. Now he is ready to paint it, give it character, He carefully chooses the colors he wants, the design he wants. When he is done he then places it in the table to dry, once it has dried then takes it to his favorite place and puts it on display. He keeps looking at it in admiration. He picks it up and holds it he is so proud of His creation!! He looks at His creation and says

“You are beautiful”, “You are Cherished, “You are Faultless”

“You are amazing”

I was praying about tonight and I felt God wanted me to encourage you, to tell you that He is the Potter. He has made a gift and that gift is you.

Each of us started off being like that lump of clay, messed up, slimy, dirty, kinda yucky…at least that is what we thought.

But God our Father, knows better… Why Because He is the Potter…He knows what potential mucky clay makes.

Each of us is the clay and he has kneaded us, molded us, he has taken extreme care in forming the design, picking just the right colors, and features…

He has made us so unique, so beautiful, so amazing that there is no other like us.

I think it is the neatest thing that none of us are the same. We can’t compare ourselves with anyone else, because there is no else like me!!

Each one of us is unique and incomparable.

Each of us has been given a gift that no one else has!

We as ladies can compare ourselves to others so easily

Like when I met my husband Trev, I was at a youth retreat in Kamloops … and we were in the Balcony my friend who has long blonde hair, is thin, and very beautiful was with me…and she said

“ Vangie that guy over there keeps looking at you” I was like what ever, why would he be looking at me when youre here” The funny thing was he was looking at me and a year later we were married!!

I used to always compare my self to Marijanel… she got married before me, why did she get married before me and she is younger then me!!! And She is so talented, I can’t do anything!!

We all compare ourselves with someone else in some why or another.

My question is how can we compare ourselves when God or Father who loves us sees us as incomparable?

Look around you is there any one here who looks like you??

Every now and again we do come across someone who is so similar. My friend Heidi, we will be talking about different things and be like “ wow that’s what I like” We are so similar, we even like the same type of clothes, yet we are totally different people.

I now I have a twin, actually she is not my twin, but my niece …some of you might know her…Tania, who is Ruth’s daughter and I are so alike that we know what each other is thinking, feeling even before we say anything. It’s kinda scary!! She came to live with us for awhile and My husband got even scared!! We also can look alike…there was awhile when we both had long hair with the same type of curl. That when I sent my engagement picture to Ruth, she said: that everyone was asking if “Tania had a boyfriend”. One would think that we were sisters not Aunt and niece. We are the same in so many ways…yet we are completely different.

If God want you to be like Marijanel, or Barbie, or whomever…don’t you think He would of made you like them?

If God made us all the same, I think He would get so bored, and so would we.

God had made us so unique, incomparable,

He has made us all beautiful in different ways.

He sees each of you as a individual, as a beauty, as exquisite, amazing, faultless,

He wants each of you to know that he loves you, and He sees you…you are not invisible to him.

Max Lucado wrote once:

With God in your world, you aren’t an accident or a incident

You are a gift to the world, a divine work of art … signed by GOD

Do you believe it?

Do you know what the definition of the word believe is…

It means to have confidence in the truth, to suppose, assume, understand, it is also to accept as true or real, to have firm faith, confidence and trust.

DO you believe you are beautiful?

DO you believe that you are delightful?

How about enchanting?

Do you believe that you are a gift?

Psalm 139: 13-185

God your thoughts are so precious to me… they are so many! If I could count them, they would be more then ALL of the grains sand!

On your table you have a bowl of sand… lick the tip of your finger and dip it in the sand… now count how many grains of sand there are

Do you know how many grains of sand there are? Every ocean, every lake… I can’t even fathom how many grains there are!!

God has made each of us unique, incomparable, beautiful and tonight I just want you to know that God thinks you are amazing.

Have you ever thought about what amazing means?

Or what beautiful means…we all know what it means , but I love to find out the true meaning dictionary meaning?

I love the meanings of words…I get a new word and its definition e-mailed to me everyday!

So I was preparing for a ladies night at my church and I felt to talk about how God sees us and how he has made everyone so unique… so I started writing out different words that I felt God was saying….then I felt to look up the actual definition.

To night we felt that God want us to share with you how God sees you…

When I shared this with some of the ladies at my church, and I got everyone to pull out of a basket a word. Then we went around the room and each lady said “ God thinks I am…”

Anyhow there was an older lady there and she looked at her word, and her face lit up and she laughed and said with a huge smile, “God thinks I am Gorgeous!!” (which Means… dazzingly beautiful and magnificent)

There was also another lady who got the word “ Lovely” and she immediately stared shaking her head saying “ No Iam not lovely, I want a new one” Now she is so lovely ( which by the way means… charmingly, and exquisitely beautiful and delightful) I wouldn’t let her change words, because I believe that she need to hear that “God thinks she is lovely”

So tonight we have complied a list of words that we believe God thinks of you, we believe that each one of you will receive the word that God wants you to have.

As you open the envelope, I want you to say out loud

“God thinks I am …”

If you don’t think that you have received the right word for you, then I encourage you to say…

“God if this word is truly for me then reveal this word and how you feel to me”

He will because He loves you so much, He moulded you , made you exactly who you are and he thinks and knows that you truly are Beautiful Unique, exquisite, lovely etc, etc…


John 8:36

Those who the God sets free are free in deed!

How many of you deal with fear, worry, guilt, etc?

What is fear?


a distressing emotion aroused by impending danger, evil, pain, etc., whether the threat is real or imagined; the feeling or condition of being afraid.


a specific instance of or propensity for such a feeling: an abnormal fear of heights.


concern or anxiety; solicitude: a fear for someone's safety.


that which causes a feeling of being afraid; that of which a person is afraid: Cancer is a common fear.

What is guilt?

*.a feeling of responsibility or remorse for some offense, crime, wrong, etc., whether real or imagined.

What is worry?

*.to torment oneself with or suffer from disturbing thoughts; fret.

Do you believe that God has set you free form the fears, worries, guilt….?

Do you know what Believe means?


to have confidence in the truth, the existence, or the reliability of something, although without absolute proof that one is right in doing so: Only if one believes in something can one act purposefully.

–verb (used with object)


to have confidence or faith in the truth of (a positive assertion, story, etc.); give credence to.


to have confidence in the assertions of (a person).

To accept as true or real:

We all know that Jesus died on the cross for our sins. His death has saved us?

Do we all agree??

When Jesus was on the cross…what did he say just before He died?

It is finished… The message Bible in John 19:30 says:

After he took the wine, Jesus said, "It's done . . . complete." Bowing his head, he offered up his spirit.

Complete means:


to make whole or entire:


to make perfect:.


to bring to an end; finish:

*. having all parts or elements; lacking nothing; whole; entire; full


finished; ended; concluded:

Finished means:

*. ended or completed.


completed or perfected in all details,

When Just before Christ died on the cross He said it is finished or complete.

Freedom came at the cross!

Our Freedom is the result of it being completed or Finished

So when we ask for freedom, do you think that freedom was already been given to us at the cross?

What does that mean?

I believe it means that when Christ died for us, He took ALL the crap, all the sin, all the hurts and all our burdens (crap) and crucified them on the cross with himself.

It’s been taken care of…

We are free because Jesus through His death set us free…completely free

Now all we have to do is believe it.

Do you truly believe it?

We have to take the mind of Christ and start taking control of our thoughts, our emotions, our lives…we need to walk in knowledge and wisdom…being aware of our thoughts.

1 Corinthians 2:16 (Amplified Bible)

Amplified Bible (AMP)

16 For who has known or understood the mind (the counsels and purposes) of the Lord so as to guide and instruct Him and give Him knowledge? But we have the mind of Christ (the Messiah) and do hold the thoughts (feelings and purposes) of His heart.

Colossians 3:15-16Amplified Bible (AMP)

15 And let the peace (soul harmony which comes) from Christ rule (act as umpire continually) in your hearts [deciding and settling with finality all questions that arise in your minds, in that peaceful state] to which as [members of Christ's] one body you were also called [to live]. And be thankful (appreciative), [giving praise to God always].


A couple of years ago I was bombarded with fear. I felt like I was attacked, beaten, and scared. In fact I was so scared I never even felt I could leave my house.

Everyday for month I was scared that if I went out I wouldn’t be able to relax until I came home…or if Trevor went to work I wouldn’t completely relax until he was home.

I was so scared that we wouldn’t come home. My mind would race all the time about bad , horrible things that could happen. I was a wreck!

I had people pray for me, counseling, nothing seem to work.

All through this I thought and asked God… where are you, what is wrong with me? What’s going on?

Day after day, week after week …I felt tormented.

At the same time I was having pains in my chest and thought I was having a heart attack, so then I thought I was going to die…I was a mess. (The pains were just that I pulled a muscle in my chest, which doesn’t heal properly, because you are always using the muscles)

One day my dad was praying for me and said I should place the fear into his hands and give it all to him. So I did and I took my hand picked up the fear and put it in my dad’s hands. Then he said out loud that because the fear wasn’t his fear , it could not attach it’s self to him and he threw It away. Then he toild me to be free.

This was the start to my freedom…it didn’t change things instantly, however things did get better.

I began to realize that I had to choose to walk in freedom every day.

I realized that I had to take control of my thoughts and submit them to God… I also realized that I have the mind of Christ and these thoughts, feelings, and emotions were not from Him.

If I realized I had to control my thoughts--- if I had a bad thought and wasn’t aware of it, I would start to dwell on it, until it had become a huge issue and then once again I would be a wreck!

Slowly I learned to be aware of my thoughts and feelings and I learnt to take captive every thought that wasn’t good.

As soon as I had the thoughts I would …

1. Say out loud “ Fear GO AWAY In JESUS NAME”

2. Tell some one that I was dealing with fear… and instantly it went away.

One time I told Trevor I was dealing with fear again and he laughed at me…he didn’t understand what I was going through. So after that I had a hard time telling him…I felt so hurt , but I knew I had to tell someone I trusted and I realized that since he didn’t understand I needed to explain how hurt I was and how I needed him to listen and pray for me and with me. He immediately apologized and has become a great support for me.

The point is speaking out, because it so easy for the enemy and our “self” to dwell on things in our heads until we are so overwhelmed with our thoughts that we can’t even function properly.

Words are powerful, and when we speak out it breaks the ties that our thoughts have been processing in our heads.

3. I would take the thought and say out loud that “ I am a child of the King, I trust God, I would say the opposite to the bad thoughts …for example : if I felt scared that Trev wasn’t going to come home from work I would say “God Trevor is your son and I am so blessed to have him as my husband, and I trust you to take care of you son, Thank you for holding him in your hands”

4. Then I will worship God, I will play the piano or sing, put on some worship music and thank God for all that he has blessed me with.

The Message (MSG) Philippians 4:6-9

6-7 Don't fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. Before you know it, a sense of God's wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down. It's wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life.

8-9 Summing it all up, friends, I'd say you'll do best by filling your minds and meditating on things true, noble, reputable, authentic, compelling, gracious—the best, not the worst; the beautiful, not the ugly; things to praise, not things to curse. Put into practice what you learned from me, what you heard and saw and realized. Do that, and God, who makes everything work together, will work you into his most excellent harmonies

I still struggle with my thoughts; it has been a process, a learning curve.

Now when I have a thought, I dismiss it almost immediately and I always tell someone, even if it’s a minor silly thought.

God is so good and He desires us walk in the freedom He has already given us. He want us to be free to be exactly who He has created us to be. Free to walk in the knowledge and understanding of who we are in Him!

The way is simple… believe that He has already set us free, let it go, and take on the mind of Christ.

Learn to walk out Philippians 4:6-9

Do not worry Think about good things, talk to God, and think about who you are in Christ… what does that truly mean to you?

Ask God to reveal to you the perfect love that cast out all fear!

1 John 4:18

  • Amplified Bible (AMP)
    There is no fear in love [dread does not exist], but full-grown (complete, perfect) love turns fear out of doors and expels every trace of terror! For fear brings with it the thought of punishment, and [so] he who is afraid has not reached the full maturity of love [is not yet grown into love's complete perfection].

Perfect love drives out all fear… God’s Has Already set us free…to day I pray that God will reveal to you His perfect love and His freedom that He is freely offering you.

Soak in it , rest in it, and

Know that our Heavenly Father gives grace, rest, peace, and love to us, unconditionally.

We don’t have to do anything, just believe!


to have confidence or faith in the truth

Sunday, December 3, 2006

Freedom from walls picture Part 2

So I painted the second picture of the walls...this time God's hand has come down and broken through the walls, picked up your (my ) heart , mended it and in the process of making it new. When Gods frees us from our walls... the first thing we have to do is let the walls fall down. We tend to hang on even to the the broken branches...because we don't believe that God can truly set us free from our past.
With God there is an amazing neverending amount of Grace and Love that is surrounding you even in your (my) brokeness. We have to say " God, I am no longer going to carry the guilt, the shame, the ...... it no longer has a hold on me. I AM FREE, Because Christ loves me so much He bore the guilt, the shame, the whatever... He took it on Himself and took it to the cross...then He said..."IT IS FINISHED"
Do you believe it? Do you believe that He took all our pain, all our guilt, all our shame...... and by saying.. it is finished....gave us freedom, freely for us to grasp and hold on to , so that we may walk in complete Freedom!! He did it just for you (Me).
I choose this day to walk in the freedom that God has given me. I choose to believe that God loves me so much...and that love is my freedom.
I encourage you to ask God how much He loves you and to show you how He has already set you free.

John 8:36

So if the SON liberates you (makes you free) then you are really and unquestionably free!!

Be Blessed

I have so been enjoying my family lately. I have been enjoying Homeschooling and spending time with Trevor, Daphne, Shenelle, and Justice. I have laughed so much...Iam so blessed. Trev and I have been spending alot of time just talking and having fun......I am so thankful that God has so richly blessed me with a wonderful husband, beautiful children and the list goes on and on......

I encourage you all to take the time to enjoy your families., I know life can be stressful and busy, but look around you see what you can be thankful for . When you do this, your perspective changes and you start to see through God's eyes how blessed and loved you are . You know God loves you so much and He wants you to enjoy life , just as He enjoys you. He loves you so unconditionally. Be Blessed today !

My favorite saying is ..." I am too Blessed to be stressed"

Tuesday, November 28, 2006


Just want to say thanks to all those who read my blog......I hope you will get to know me more and that I would get to know you more too
Love ya

New Paintings

So today I painted two new paintings......the Let it go painting....was the hardest to do.....nothing was flowing....first it was a pottery jar, then I covered it up and drew some dancers, then I covered it up and it became an angel....then I covered it up and it flowers...then I stopped...took a break and came back and painted the cross and the bags of crap that can carry on our shoulders when we should really be leaving it at the cross....believing and trusting that God will take care of us and loves us very much!!
The second picture I did, was based on a vision I had regarding walls...... we all have walls of some sort or another. We all respond out of our walls....sometimes we have so many walls we don't even know who we really are. We are hurting and we sometimes (subconsciously even) we put up a wall to protect ourselves not realising that those wall are hurting us more then the hurt itself.
Sometimes a wall can just be a small wall, but as time goes by it becomes larger and larger.
We keep putting up walls and responding out of those walls that soon no one can get it and know the real you. Some people try but the just hit dead ends......our wall soon become like a maze or labyrinth. However in my vision I saw this maze and it was over grown so you could barely make out a path ...I also saw your heart (my heart?) in the middle wanting to be free
Then I saw God's hand as a fist come down and break the walls , take you (me) in his hands and lift you out of the maze
He will lift us out of the overgrown maze of our walls (Hurts) and heal our broken heart with his amazing love and grace.. set us free to stand , dance and relish in His never ending love. Then He may take us back to the broken walls and lovingly set us free completely and forever of the walls (hurts) that have held us captive for so long.
God longs to set us all free to be who He has created us to be...His work of Art with His signature on us.
Be Free today.......
I love you all lots!!!

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Time I am really realizing how important it is to take time for yourself.. It is so easy to get so busy with life, family, kids, church, worries, etc . That we dont take the time to relax, ponder, rest, you know what rest means?

*The refreshing quiet or repose of sleep (A good night's sleep)
*Refreshing ease or inactivity after a exertion or labour (To allow an hour for rest)
*Relief or freedom esp from anything that wearies, troubles, didtrubs
*a period or interval of inactivity, repose, solitude, or tranquility (To go away for a rest)
*mental or spiritual calm or tranquitltiy
*to be quiet or still

How many of us can just sit for even 5 mintutes, maybe even one minute would be hard to sit or be still and not think about anything...just breathe? Could I do that ? Could you?
Do you know there are alot of verses that talk about rest?
Psalm 23 :1-3
1-3 God, my shepherd! I don't need a thing.
You have bedded me down in lush meadows,
you find me quiet pools to drink from.
True to your word,
you let me catch my breath
and send me in the right direction.
Psalm 127 :1
1-2 If God doesn't build the house, the builders only build shacks.
If God doesn't guard the city,
the night watchman might as well nap.
It's useless to rise early and go to bed late,
and work your worried fingers to the bone.
Don't you know he enjoys
giving rest to those he loves?

Even God rested....don't you think that tells us how important rest is?

Genissis 2:2

2-4 By the seventh day
God had finished his work.
On the seventh day
he rested from all his work.
God blessed the seventh day.
He made it a Holy Day
Because on that day he rested from his work,
all the creating God had done.

I challenge myself and you to take 5 minutes today and stop. REST, relax and breathe...don't think about anything

Take your busyness, your worries, your stresses, your feelings, whatever blocks you from stoping and resting.....hold them in your hands lift them up and drop them in God's hands (don't take them back) Say God ..." I want to rest as you did, here are the things that block me from resting ...they are now in your hands and I ask you for your rest." Now be still and Know He is, breathe deep breaths, relax..tell yourself to realx...if you have tight muscles in your shoulders, neck, etc ...say " shoulders relax"
Take the time for yourself, it is so important not only to you but to God, your family, your work etc. When we take time for ourselves we will feel refreshed, renewed, energised, etc.

I challenge you to take time for yourself and see how you feel aware of your feelings before and after....I know that it helps me continue on during whatever I am doing...I even do it better beacuse I took the time to stop and rest.

One of the first ways I did this......
I was painting (painting relaxes me) I never know what I am going to paint untill I painted it....anyhow I ended up painting a bird..and then I thought about the verse Isaiah 40:27

But those who wait upon God get fresh strength. They spread their wings and soar like eagles, They run and don't get tired, they walk and don't lag behind.

Then I thought about what it would be like to soar like an eagle.......I started imagining....
how quiet it would breathe in a deep breath and slowly let it out,, you do this a few times , each time you feel more tenseion fall away... you relax, you breathe....there is no noise, just the quiet wind, you can look down and see the busyness, but it doesn't affect you because you are soaring, not flying soaring....your wings are spread out and you are just then notice how beautiful the top of the mountains are,,,,then you see a beautiful you soar down over the lake can almost touch's so beautiful....then you fly higher back above the trees, then you go even higher above the mountains....then you go even higher above the can see for miles....the view is amazing you can see the sun setting and the colors are breathtaking...pinks, blues, reds, orange..... then you feel a light peaceful brezze flow through your entire know it 's the breath of've stoped, you've rested, you've soared....and in that beautiful quiet moment you will feel, hear the breath of God. This moment is Just for you alone....nobody else but you ...enjoy and rest.

Monday, November 20, 2006

just another day or was it?

Wow I am sure tired at the end of the day. We got our curriculum now we can get on a good routine. The children so love to learn, and it is quite fun to teach them. I do know that I will need my breaks as well as we all so need to get out side and run. Over all it is so good!!
My biggest frustration now is how to deal with Shenelle ...she keeps peeing......I don't know what to do with her. She is such a joy and I don't want to squash her self esteem by my frustration......I want to encourage her...but how?? Lord I so need wisdom!!! help Please!!
Today we had 2 showings on our house. I love having the house so clean, but going out can be a pain. We are so just wanting to be free financially, so we keep waiting and living one day at a time!!
Tonight our friend Jacob came is so encouraging to talk with him (if your reading this Jacob thanks) Tonight we were talking about passion and what makes us tick......he is so passionate about encourages me to be more passionate. But what does make me tick? What is my passion? What makes me who I am? What are my dreams?
I know that my family is my passion. Growing up all I ever wanted was to be a is one of the only goals I have ever achieved. Now I think that being a mom and a wife is still me passion...I think that;s why I love Homeschooling. In other areas of my life I am asking why do I do the things I do? It s thought provoking.... i shall have to think more on this and let you know my conclusion.
We also talked about what area of my life would I change, If I I know there are alot of different areas but I think that discipline is the biggest thing. Selling the house has helped alot because then I have to keep on top of my house,,,,,,but in other areas like exercise and discipline lacks....How do you become disciplined? I wish all the time that I would just wake up one morning a disciplined person...wouldn't that be nice!!! However reality is not quite so easy. So this is my delima? What can I do? What is the answer for me? Help Please Again!!!
So many things to think about ....well the most important thing I know is that I am loved and I love ....... I am so blessed and I am so thankful for my family, my home, and you!

Sunday, November 19, 2006


so we have two showongs on our house pray that one will buy it!!!! Lord I pray that whatever you want to do...have your way!

having fun

So I Am having fun with this blog stuff!! Yep so check out my sister in law's website crown of promise, She is my inspiration...... and friend. I know you will be encouraged by her. She is the one that started me painting. So I am coping her by sharing my paintings on my blog. I am finding painting is a good form of relaxation...I never know what I am painting untill the end when it is finished. I need to improve somethings, but practise makes perfect. Well gotta go deal with the children.


This is crazy!!
I never thought making a blog would be so mind bear with me through my new learning curve and of course my typing!!
SO blogging wow I have been wanting to do something kike this for months but however gettign round to it is another thing all togther....but I will try to keep this up daily

Life is sure an never know what comes your way. This last week has been my first week at home went quite well. We exercised lots, walking around the track, work out videos. I am so motivated to exercise everyday with the children keeps them moving and uses up their extra energy!!! We havent got our curriculm yet so our routine has been pretty non existent, but I am looking forward to next week. We are working with a teacher named Jessica, she is super nice!! She contacts us through emails every week, as well as every Wed she will be calling The children to talk to them about what they are learning etc.. I am quite excited to have the accountability and support. I am really glad we ahave decided to homeschool. The children have been so calm, happy, and excited to learn. They are really smart!! AND they are so fun to watch work and figure out different things. During Our outtings I find that we are so much more aware of our surroundings and what we are doing. It is so good, and we are all loving it. Trevor hasn't been working much lately, but it is sure great having him around He is so patient with the children I love watching himn take the tme to explain things and teach things. He and the children have written a song, and it so blesses me when they sing is quite catchy......and instantly you feel a inner peace.
Trevor is so talented!!! I am so blessed!!
Well our house is still for sale.....we are just waiting. Sometimes patiently and sometimes not !! I feel like I waver alot....... are we to selll...if so why hasn't it sold....I felt God say yes selll, but maybe He doesnt want us to sell...back and forth and back and forth. I am really learning to live and trust one day at a time...not worry about tommarow,
I read this calendar we have and it said that there are 2 types of faith...the instant faith...where things change immediatly then there is the sustaining faith where it can take awhile and we just have to trust God for HIs timing. It really encouraged me to be at peace and not stress about it. This some days is easier said then done!! Whatever !! Thats my motto....
Anyhow it's 12:30 am and I should go to bed

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Friday, November 17, 2006

Fisrt time blogging

Wow blogging..who would of thought? So I really should be cleaning our house to get ready for an open house we are having tomarrow, however I am procrastinating quite well!! So um that all for now.

flowers for my kitchen

flowers for my kitchen
garden of life

Total Worship

Total Worship
I loveTrev's Passion


Solid Rock...Dad






Garden of


Exquiste painting...MJ


Mary's worship

Our Aglow Team

Our Aglow Team
Unity was abundant

Mom and Me

Mom and Me
Singing togther for the 1 x so Fun!!

My Boys

My Boys
Love you guys

Shenelle and Me

Shenelle and Me
My Sunshine

Some of My Grace Girls

Some of My Grace Girls
Maycee, Joss, Courtney,& Me

Justice and Me

Justice and Me
My Amazing Boy

Daphne and Me

Daphne and Me
Daphne my Beauty

Me and my Mom

Me and my Mom
love you Mom


God wants to set you free

Freedom # 2

Freedom  # 2
you can have freedom two

Let it Go

Let it Go
Trust Him

Living Waters

Living Waters

Beauty & The Beholder

Beauty  & The Beholder
Jesus thinks you are beautiful

Beauty & Beloved

Beauty & Beloved
My first paintings


I Think your Beautiful

One Day

One Day



Inner Peace

Inner Peace